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Interfaith Unity Must Be Established in Order to Realize Peaceful Elections


By : Ratih Safira Utami )*

The existence of interfaith unity is indeed something that is absolutely mandatory to continue to strive for. If this is done well, it will be able to lead to the realization of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) which is peaceful and safe, as well as conducive and the community will also get results from the optimal implementation of democratic principles in the country.

In an effort to be able to continue to create an atmosphere of democratic celebration and political contestation in the upcoming General Election (Pemilu) in 2024 peacefully and able to avoid the possibility of conflict and friction that could potentially arise between fellow citizens and citizens, there is indeed unity across religions. is a very important thing.

Therefore, interfaith youth organizations in Lampung Province have declared their strong commitment to continue to support so that the 2024 elections can be held safely and peacefully. Of course, it is not without reason that this declaration was made.

The declaration from interfaith youth aims to ensure that the upcoming democratic festival in the country can run smoothly without any unexpected incidents, which could seriously disrupt the security and unity of society.

It is known that several parties such as Catholic Youth, GP Ansor, Gamabuddhis, GAMKI and Peradah took part in the declaration from the interfaith youth organization to ensure that the elections could be held peacefully. The event to declare a strong commitment to jointly realize peaceful elections was also witnessed by the Lampung Kesbangpol, then there was also the Lampung General Election Commission (KPU) and invited guests who attended.

In the declaration made by youth from across religions in Lampung Province to continue to support the implementation of peaceful elections, they all read simultaneously at least 4 (four) points. First, interfaith youth are very ready to be able to realize the implementation of simultaneous elections in 2024 in a direct, public, free, secret, honest and fair manner according to the principles of Luber and Jurdil.

Furthermore, the second point is that young people from across religions also have a very strong commitment to being able to create a situation that is conducive, orderly, with integrity, peaceful and also encouraging at the upcoming 2024 election event in Indonesia, especially in Lampung Province itself.

Third, all of them, consisting of young people from across religions, very firmly reject all forms of actions that cause chaos during the General Election process, such as hate speech and also the spread of fake news or hoaxes, especially if they are all based on sensitive issues. such as regarding ethnicity, religion, race and inter-group (SARA). They all also very firmly reject the practice of religious intolerance and radicalism as well as the practice of money politics.

The fourth point which was read simultaneously and firmly in the declaration from the interfaith youth organizations was that they were all very ready to continue to support the enforcement of applicable laws in an effort to realize the peaceful holding of the General Elections (Elections) in 2024.

Regarding this matter, the Chair of the Lampung Regional Commissioner for Catholic Youth, Falentinus Andi, said that they really want to continue to strengthen national values, especially within the framework of diversity towards an advanced Indonesia. This big theme was carried out in the declaration event in order to respond to the upcoming 2024 political year and also to continue to be attuned to the social situation developing in society today.

The raising of this big theme was also based on the great hopes of the youth and all parties, because they all really want the noble values ​​of the Indonesian nation to continue to be presented in the implementation of the General Election in 2024.

The implementation of the declaration of peaceful elections carried out by youth organizations from across religions is also with the hope that they can all provide a positive example for life in society, especially in maintaining peace and unity during the 2024 Election implementation process.

Don’t forget that all elements of the nation such as the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), political parties (Parpol) and also the entire community are expected to continue to provide full support for the efforts made by the youth to further maintain a harmonious atmosphere. conducive and able to avoid the potential or possibility of riots during the election implementation process.

The realization of a peaceful, safe and smooth 2024 election is indeed a hope and also an ideal that is highly desired by many parties at all levels of society in Indonesia. For this reason, in order to make these ideals a reality, it is very necessary to have unity across religions in a solid and good manner.

)* The author is a contributor to the Persada Institute

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