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Maintaining Unity  in Society, Dispute Hearings are Post-Election Political Dynamics


By: Rachma N

The post-2024 election will be a crucial matter in society because of the differences in opinion and choices that exist, so that it continues to become a political dynamic that often causes conflict and polarization in society. One aspect that is very important in maintaining stability and unity is the proper handling of political disputes.

Each election is often followed by a period of high political tension. Losing parties tend to deny the results, raise disputes, and protest in the streets. Synergy between government and society is very important in handling post-election political disputes and society can play an active role in promoting peace and reconciliation.

Society needs to increase tolerance and peace in maintaining unity and unity. Currently, the situation in people’s social life is relatively safe and peaceful after the announcement of the 2024 election results. Political observer, Ujang Komarudin, said that before the KPU determined the election results, there were indeed several demonstrations and that was normal. In a democratic country, people have the right to express their aspirations. However, community actions are considered quite safe and conducive.

It is important to prioritize polite communication ethics and avoid spreading information that is provocative or causes division. Constructive discussions and mutual respect between citizens can help maintain togetherness and unity.

Human Rights Movement (HAM) figure, Todung Mulya Lubis said, the Constitutional Court (MK) is an independent arbiter of justice in disputes regarding the results of the 2024 presidential and vice presidential general election (Presidential PHPU), which represents the handling of issues upholding the constitution, and democracy.

As an independent and trusted institution, the Constitutional Court has a long track record in resolving presidential election disputes fairly and with integrity.

The public needs to support the independence of the Constitutional Court in carrying out its duties without pressure from any party. Confidence in the justice and integrity of the Constitutional Court will strengthen the legitimacy of the decisions taken and help prevent political tensions that are detrimental to unity.

Dispute hearings play a major role in resolving post-election conflicts. This process must be transparent, fair and efficient in order to produce decisions that are acceptable to all parties and reduce political tensions.

In handling post-election disputes, it is important to prioritize national interests above particular political interests. An attitude that prioritizes common interests will strengthen the unity and stability of the country.

Wise handling of post-election dispute trials has an important role in maintaining unity in society. Through a fair legal process, dialogue between parties, and prioritizing national interests, we can minimize the negative impact of post-election political dynamics and strengthen the foundations of democracy and unity in our country.

Today’s society can judge wisely and make choices. The public is just waiting for the trial at the Constitutional Court. The public is expected not to be influenced by negative narratives and remain calm and maintain unity.

Vice President (Wapres),  Ma’ruf Amin  , said that this year’s session had a different atmosphere. In the previous election, the dispute trial was marked by many demonstrations. Meanwhile, according to him, the heated situation only occurred in court, but did not cause any turmoil in society. This is because all parties use applicable rules and constitutions to resolve problems.

The public needs to support the independence of the Constitutional Court in carrying out its duties without pressure from any party. Confidence in the justice and integrity of the Constitutional Court will strengthen the legitimacy of the decisions taken and help prevent political tensions that are detrimental to unity.

Synergy between the government, society and judicial institutions in handling post-election political disputes is very important to maintain unity in society. Through a transparent resolution process and a commitment to strengthening our culture of democracy, we can build a solid foundation for political unity and stability in our country.

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) of the Republic of Indonesia, Hadi Tjahjanto, said that all political processes in the elections had been successfully passed, and now there was still a dispute at the Constitutional Court. However, in general, the condition of this nation is very good, safe and cool.

The most important thing behind the ongoing election process is maintaining national unity and unity. Apart from that, maintaining a conducive and safe situation to create peace.

After the dispute hearing ends and the Constitutional Court issues a decision, the public needs to uphold the law and respect the Constitutional Court’s decision, regardless of whether the decision is in accordance with their political preferences. An attitude of respect for the law will help maintain stability and unity in society.

The role of the community in maintaining unity during dispute hearings at the Constitutional Court is very important. By having a good understanding of the law, prioritizing communication ethics, supporting the independence of the Constitutional Court, respecting the law, and promoting solidarity and reconciliation, society can be at the forefront of maintaining unity amidst the existing political dynamics.

)* Student of the Law Department of Semarang University.

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