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Ma’ruf Amin’s appearance is beyond the Alleged and More Confident


By: Mufridan Zulfikar *

Appearance of Vice President number 01 Ma’ruf Amin was considered unexpected and shocked the public. In the Cawapres Debate event against Sandiaga Uno, KH Ma’ruf Amin was able to smoothly deliver a realistic program.

According to the Secretary of the National Campaign Team (TKN) Hasto Kristiyanto,
Ma’ruf Amin is very disciplined. In just 4 minutes, he was able to deliver his vision and mission full of grounded ideas, while answering the problems of the people through Cheap Food Packages, College KIP and Working Cards.

He also added that Ma’ruf Amin’s speech in the Vice Presidential Debate had changed the views of many people who had previously doubted his abilities.

Hasto also considered that the explanation of KH Ma’ruf Amin in the Cawapres Debate was proven to be integrated with the programs that had been carried out under the current leadership of Jokowi – Jusuf Kalla.

“The consistency of KH Ma’ruf Amin, which describes the Jokowi program, has provided an Islamic touch that is very fitting to be displayed. All leaders have the duty to create the benefit of the nation and protect the people, while their opponents are more artificial Sandiaga Uno wrapped in expensive clothes. “Added Hasto.

During the debate, the ability of the Muslim cleric had shown his flying hours as a cleric. Kiai Ma’ruf looks smooth when describing the problem and outlines the solution to be evidence of the breadth of insight into the inactive ketum figure in the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

“In the display of caps and holsters, it turns out that it can dominate even the coolest suit. “The flight hours of a leader who continues to engage in dialogue with the people, and mind-clean hygiene turned out to be a key factor in Kiai’s superiority compared to Sandiaga,” Hasto said.

In addition, appreciation also came from Development Researchers
The LIPI community, Ibn Nadzir Daraini, considered that the ideas carried by Ma’ruf Amin were related to building a nation’s culture by not leaving the local wisdom of local culture very interesting.

“I do not think Ma’ruf has a shadow to raise local culture to the national level as a national personality,” Ibnu said.

Ma’ruf amin also conveyed his strategy to advance culture born from the December 2018 cultural congress. The strategy will be optimized so that Indonesian culture does not experience discontinuities.

The Jokowi-Ma’ruf pair proposed cultural conservation, cultural preservation and globalization of culture to the outside world to be more famous. In addition, they also offer endowments for the cultural sector.

According to Mochtar Sigit, as a member of the Silent Movement, he supports good people, how lucky the Indonesian state is to have the figure of the vice presidential candidate Mufr Amin. Like finding hidden treasures and so far almost nothing is seen.

“Mr. Jokowi was observant in choosing his representative. Not only is it right because the representatives needed are those who understand and understand Islam, but they are also smart and wise, “he said.

He also argued that Ma’ruf Amin was a figure who was able to answer public doubts, Kiai who appeared wearing a sarong typical of Indonesian scholars was considered to have a broad understanding of various national problems.

In addition, Ma’ruf Amin is also capable of displaying Indonesian identity, with Islam being lived out as value, as a carrier force of goodness for all people and the entire contents of the universe. Islam in the husband of Wuri Estu Handayani was able to collaborate perfectly with progress and modernity in the archipelago’s tradition.

“Towards Advanced Indonesia, a qualified leader is needed. A lot of homework must be completed so that the Indonesian people can achieve the expected goals. “Obviously and increasingly convincing Indonesian people, that the Jokowi – Maufuf pair is the most appropriate partner to lead Indonesia in the future,” he said again.

Ma’ruf Amin’s appearance was also highlighted by political observer Rocky Gerung, according to him the public did not expect Maufr’s appearance in the debate against Sandiaga Uno. This is because Ma’ruf is considered more calm than his first appearance in the presidential and vice presidential debate on January 17, 2019.

“Kiai Ma’ruf is more confident than Sandiaga,” said Rocky. This shock certainly provides learning for all Indonesian people, that the vice president who is Jokowi’s partner is a figure that cannot be underestimated and underestimated, the collaboration between Jokowi and Ma’ruf Amin is the most suitable pair to create a Forward Indonesia.

*) Student of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Pancasila University

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