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Neutrality of Civil Servants Essential in 2024 Regional Elections Implementation


Jakarta – As the 2024 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) approach, Syamsul Rizal, a member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, emphasized the importance of maintaining the neutrality of state civil apparatus (ASN) and state officials in this democratic process. He asserted that state organizers, including ASN, must remain loyal to the interests of the state, not to specific candidate pairs.

“Neutrality is a necessity; no one should dare to show support or take steps that benefit one party in the 2024 Pilkada,” said Syamsul Rizal in his statement.

This statement reflects concerns about the potential abuse of power or influence that could undermine the integrity of the Pilkada.

The neutrality of ASN in the Pilkada is crucial, given their important role in organizing and overseeing the regional head election process. ASN, as public policy implementers, are expected to maintain independence and objectivity to ensure the Pilkada is fair and democratic. Additionally, the potential vulnerabilities related to violations of ASN neutrality must be watched out for, given the risk of political intervention that could damage public trust.

Syamsul Rizal also emphasized the importance of intensive coordination between security forces and state organizers in dealing with potential vulnerabilities that could arise during the campaign and voting periods.

Commission I of the House is currently mapping a number of potential vulnerabilities that could affect the course of the Pilkada in all provinces in Indonesia.

“This mapping will involve intelligence perspectives as well as security and public order (kamtibmas) approaches,” Rizal explained.

The mapping aims to identify threats or disturbances that may occur, whether in the form of riots, intimidation, or other efforts that could undermine the integrity of the election. Therefore, good coordination between the central government, local governments, and security forces is crucial to maintain political stability and ensure the Pilkada process runs smoothly.

Furthermore, Rizal also urged state officials and ASN to participate in providing positive political education to the public. This education is important to increase citizens’ political awareness, so they can participate actively and intelligently in the electoral process.

“This political education will also contribute to creating a conducive atmosphere and political stability during the 2024 Pilkada,” he added.

Ultimately, maintaining ASN neutrality in the Pilkada is a shared responsibility that must be taken seriously. Commitment to fairness, transparency, and electoral integrity will be the foundation for the realization of a healthy and sustainable democracy in Indonesia.

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