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Pancasila Ideology Becomes the Spearhead of the Success of the 2024 Election


Jakarta – The political system in Indonesia still opens gaps in involving the state civil apparatus (ASN) in the election. ASN is ultimately trapped in the politics of reciprocity or the politics of revenge.

“Our politics often drag ASN. Go wrong, don’t go wrong. So, if they are ASN involved, it will make the work of the bureaucracy ineffective. Because what emerges is the politics of reciprocity, the politics of revenge,” said Chairman of the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) Agus Pramusinto in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) themed “Pancasila: Dynamics and Challenges Faced?” which was held by the Moya Institute at the Gran Melia Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (25/5/2023).

According to Bawaslu data, said Agus, in the 2020-2021 period when Pilkada was held in 270 regions, violations of ASN neutrality reached 2,034. Of the number of violations, 1,373 ASN were sanctioned by the civil service supervisor (PPK).

“We have entered the political year and next year’s peak, there will be 548 Pilkada and Pileg as well as the Presidential Election. The potential for chaos will multiply. Now if followed by social media, the term cebong, kadrun still exists. And if it continues, it is dangerous, “he added.

Because of this, Agus emphasized that ASNs should place themselves in a neutral position in the election. “Because if it doesn’t affect public services in the future. This is one of the challenges faced by Pancasila, where we still often have the potential to be divided because of politics,” he said.

Member of the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Advisory Council Inspector General (Purn) Sidarto Danusubroto who was the keynote speaker at the FGD said that intolerance, radicalism and terrorism (IRT) are viruses that pose a threat to the integrity of the nation. He uses the term ideological vaccination, as an effort to maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

“Because Pancasila is Bung Karno’s legacy as a founding father, which so far has proven to be able to unite diversity. If Indonesia is likened to a house, the basic foundation is Pancasila, the pillars of the 1945 Constitution, the walls and roof are the Republic of Indonesia and its inhabitants are Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. These are the four pillars, since I was chairman of the MPR, they have been encouraged. So the inhabitants are various tribes, religions, cultures and customs, must be accommodated together in this Pancasila house,” he explained.

The reform politician who is also Secretary General of the Gelora Party Mahfudz Sidiq conveyed, in the context of building civilization, there is a 100-year cycle, where during the 78 years of Indonesia’s independence, we still have 22 years left from now to complete the great journey of 100 years of history.

“The ideology of Pancasila, the constitution, and the concept of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia have guarded the history of our nation’s journey of life. If calculated from the national awakening of 20 May 1928, 100 years from now will be 2028 and calculated from the Proclamation of Independence, then 100 years from now will be 2045.” Because of that, Mahfudz believes that our nation will become a country that is not only strong economically, but is respected politically as a developed country in the world.

According to him, there are three main challenges faced by Pancasila ideology. First, the challenge is to eliminate the contradictions in attitudes, behavior and actions towards the teachings of Pancasila. For example, corrupt behavior, LGBT, and cultural liberalization. The second challenge is to strengthen the nation’s collective vision towards a new power in the world in 2045. The third challenge is to develop national resilience in the context of facing global dynamics. You do this by not becoming a proxy or part of a global force. It is these three challenges that are very important to overcome.

“The main threat to Pancasila ideology is a proxy for global power in an asymmetric war. Then, the flow of liberalization in the trend of open society. Another threat is political industrialization. The number of political consultants, pollsters, that makes the political adrenaline of many parties rise, so that those who have never joined a political organization and do not have an ideology, are trapped in political games without vision and make our democracy Wani Piro, “said Mahfudz.

Observer of national and global strategic issues Prof. Ambassador Imron Cotan argued that Pancasila had been tested by various clashes of ideologies such as the extreme left and the extreme right, even liberal ideology, and Pancasila succeeded in graduating, graduating summa cum laude. Imron then quoted Deputy President KH Ma’ruf Amin’s statement urging all parties to leave divisive politics.

“If this ‘wisdom’ is also followed by all presidential and vice presidential candidates and other election contestants, then the flexible power of Pancasila in dampening the five-year political dynamics will be maintained. This is a warning to certain groups not to try to test Pancasila’s ability to moderate differences coming from all over,” he said.

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