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Questioning the Urgency of Forming Election Cheating Fact Finding Teams


By: Adi Ginanjar *

Prabowo – Sandiaga’s National Winning Body (BPN) supports the discourse on the formation of an Election Fact Finding Team (TPF) proposed by the community to correct all forms of irregularities which it considers disrupting the 2019 Election process. Sudirman Said as Director of BPN Debate Materials alleged fraud.

“We encourage civil society to consolidate it. “This independent fact-finding team lacks the power of third parties,” said Sudirman Said.

On the other hand, TKN also felt cheated, it claimed to have received around 25,000 election fraud complaints. TKN continues to try to collect evidence of fraud to be processed legally.

KPU commissioner Hasyim Asy’ari said that his party was open if someone felt aggrieved. The KPU is ready to open the necessary documents and clarify the situation regarding the implementation of elections. But the Chairperson of the General Election Commission, Arief Budiman, considered that the formation of a Fact Finding Team was not yet needed. Because, according to him, the stages of the election so far are still running smoothly.

“I don’t feel that far, it’s not needed in my opinion. Everything is still working as it should, “Arief said at the Central Jakarta KPU Office.

He also said that everything was still working as it should. Arief assessed that all parties need to provide education that is similar to the public regarding the election. “Everything is still working as it should. So the public must be educated so that they understand and know which information is trusted and cannot be trusted, “said Arief.

Bawaslu member Rahmat Bagja said the tiered recapitulation process was carried out openly. In the process, there were witnesses from political parties, election supervisors and KPU officials. On the other hand, the KPU and Bawaslu are independent institutions, in the sense that they are impartial, both to 01 and to 02.

Existing election organizers are sufficient to handle election cases. After all, if you find an alleged KPU or Bawaslu fraudulent, it can be reported to the Election Organizing Honorary Council (DKPP). Besides that at a higher level, Election participants can also complain to the Constitutional Court (MK) if they are not satisfied with the results of the election.

The proposal related to the formation of the Fact Finding Team was also something strange, because usually the desire was submitted by those who already felt defeated, and then did not accept his defeat. But strangely they already feel victorious even by declaring their victory based on the results of an internal survey that mentions Prabowo – Sandiaga won 62%. Then they still want a fact-finding team to be formed to ensure their victory, of course questions will arise, are they actually not sure of the results of their internal surveys.

Because wherever, for those who already feel victorious, they will sit back while waiting for the official announcement from the KPU, so the drive to form a Fact Finding Team is certainly very contradictory to the Declaration or thanksgiving that has been done several times by Prabowo.

If indeed there are parties who feel disadvantaged by fraud, then each camp can use the existing mechanism, namely BAWASLU, the Constitutional Court and the Court. So that there is no legal basis for forming a Fact Finding Team, even if the Team is still formed, it will only ensure the numbers that cannot defeat Petahana Joko Widodo. Of course it would be wiser for Kubu 02 to show, how the internal survey can win Prabowo – Sandiaga with a score of 62 percent, and far different from the quick count and real count that are taking place at the KPU.

The vote counting process should not be intervened by any party, this is because the election administration must work independently without pressure. The Indonesian Student Presidential Forum (Formasi) also invited the public to support each presidential and vice-presidential candidate to end blind fanaticism, and to ask the political elite to follow the legal mechanism that applies according to the 1945 constitution, if there is fraud or deficiency in the electoral process .

In this case, of course, it needs an attitude of maturity in politics, and is not in a hurry to cast judgment on the conduct of elections, after the election is over, of course political tension is decreasing and again knit unity which was stretched due to different choices.

  • The author is a Contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

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