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Security Forces Ensure Readiness to Make 2024 Election a Success


By : Ananda Prameswari )* 

All security forces from joint personnel have confirmed and have a very strong commitment to their readiness to continue to realize the success of the 2024 elections so that they run safely, smoothly and peacefully.

Regional Military Commander (Pangdam) XVI Pattimura, Major General of the Indonesian National Army (Mayjend TNI) Syafrial said that his party had a Basudara Pattimura program. With the existence of this program, we can ensure that the holding of democratic parties and political contestation in the General Election (Pemilu) in 2024 will take place safely, peacefully and smoothly in the country, especially in Maluku Province.

Readiness to ensure that the entire election implementation process can be successful does not only come from the security forces, but also all elements of the nation and society from various circles are also continuously invited to work together to make the implementation of the General Election a success peacefully through local wisdom which is upheld. very high.

The reason is, in fact, all people in Indonesia, even since the time of our ancestors, have had many noble values, which really uphold peace and being able to live in harmony side by side, even amidst the many differences that occur.

People can channel all their political aspirations or views and choices because this is in accordance with the implementation of democratic principles in the country. Meanwhile, the security forces from joint personnel such as the TNI and the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Polri) have a very strong commitment and are very ready to secure and guard, so that everything can run safely, peacefully and smoothly.

The Basudara Pattimura program itself is a breakthrough to continue to knit and maintain a sense of unity, oneness and brotherhood by using the local wisdom possessed by the people of Maluku Province, which of course uses various social actions to engage with the residents directly.

As is the term usually known by people in Maluku, namely Sago Salempeng Patah Dua Ale Rasa Beta Rasa, which means sharing within the framework of unity. If there is a motto or term for the noble values ​​of society in Maluku, if it is able to be implemented optimally and optimally, especially ahead of the 2024 elections like now, it will clearly be able to make the implementation of the democratic party a success.

It cannot be denied that one of the main tasks and functions of the TNI itself, especially the XVI Pattimura Regional Military Command, is carrying out military operations other than war (OMSP), such as the TNI being able to provide assistance to the Police in order to carry out security during the implementation of democratic elections and upcoming regional elections.

Therefore, all security personnel themselves must also always emphasize their neutrality by not being inclined or supporting or benefiting certain parties in the contest. The existence of the principle of neutrality itself is a fixed price that must continue to be achieved in order to be realized.

This is in accordance with the main tasks of the TNI, which are also contained in Law (UU) Number 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI Article 7 paragraph (2) and the official circular from the TNI Commander regarding TNI neutrality. There is an emphasis on the neutrality of all parties and personnel of the security apparatus so that all elements from the lowest ranks to the highest units do not carry out practical political maneuvers because basically the security apparatus itself is not a political tool.

So, whether whoever wins in the upcoming 2024 simultaneous elections, be it in the Presidential Election (Pilpres), governors, regents or mayors, all of them will really need the role of the security apparatus, combined TNI and Polri personnel, so the main task of the security apparatus only to secure the entire election process so that it can be guaranteed peacefully.

All parties and levels of society themselves must also be able to participate in maintaining security and conduciveness in all processes of the upcoming General Election and Regional Head Election. The community should be able to channel all their aspirations and political voices well, because this can help in realizing the creation of shared ideals, namely elections that are peaceful, safe and have integrity.

The peaceful elections in 2024 are not something that will just happen. So that this should continue to be implemented and even fully supported by all elements of society in maintaining conduciveness. It is also possible that the strong commitment and hard work that has been carried out by the security forces from joint personnel deserves very high appreciation.

)* The author is a Media Space Contributor

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