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Students are the mouthpiece for the 2024 election, honest and fair


In the 2024 General Election (Pemilu), students will be at the forefront in preventing violations. Students are also considered a group of voters who are able to think rationally to become the mouthpiece for an honest and fair 2024 election.

Students are expected to be agents of change who improve bad conditions for the better, such as rejecting corruption and money politics. Students were chosen to be the mouthpieces because they play a role in educating voters in their families, neighbors and campuses in order to direct them to become rational voters. So that the number of pragmatic voters will decrease.

On the other hand, students must also be at the forefront with Bawaslu to prevent and dare to report when there are violations related to money politics. So it is necessary to conduct supervision courses for students to involve students in the election supervision process.

The Chancellor of Udayana University (Unud) Bali, Nyoman Gde Antara, asked the campus academic community to remain neutral ahead of the 2024 elections. He hopes that students can maintain their independence and not be affiliated with certain political parties.

His party does not have a problem with students holding debates involving contestants in the 2024 election. As long as the debates are held on an academic basis and maintain neutrality. Because after all, the university environment has a responsibility to maintain neutrality so that the campus becomes a more objective intellectual forum.

Students have an important role in holding the 5-year democratic party. There are 3 institutions that organize elections, namely, KPU, BAWASLU AND DKPP. However, the hard work of these institutions cannot guarantee 100% electoral success. Because no matter what, holding the 2024 elections still requires support from various groups, including students.

As intellectuals, students are seen as having a very big role in bringing change to the Indonesian nation, especially in maintaining democracy. Students who have always been agents of change are expected to contribute directly to the process of facing the upcoming 2024 elections.

Students also need to take a role in socializing how to create clean and quality elections in accordance with the principles of elections, namely the “LUBER” principle which is an acronym for “Direct, General, Free and Secret”, “JURDIL”, Honest and Fair.

As we know, before the election there will certainly be many naughty practices that are permitted to win the election, including black campaigns and money politics. Students must take a role in providing education to the public to avoid and not be tempted by these naughty election practices. Choose wisely based on analysis, seeing the track record of the party and its candidates, don’t want to be paid.

Students need to take a role in efforts to realize clean and quality elections, because clean and quality elections will give birth to great leaders who are truly born from the conscience of the people. Moreover, administratively, students have met the requirements as voters. Students are also encouraged to participate as election organizers at the ad hoc level, starting from the sub-district, sub-district, to polling stations (TPS) levels.

The management of the Central Sulawesi Province Indonesian Muslim Student Action Union (KAMMI) invites students to take an important role in making the 2024 elections a success. One of them is by taking an active role in realizing peaceful elections. Andi Ahmad as Chair of KAMMI said students must realize security, and reject all forms of division. This is a strong determination to succeed in the 2024 elections.

He also explained that peaceful elections can be realized if students firmly reject hoax news, hate speech and intolerance that can damage harmony in society. Andi also invited students to maintain diversity within the framework of Indonesian democracy.

On the other hand, students who are first-time voters must also be rational voters. Students have a role in rejecting money politics and educating the public about how to fight crime in elections.

On a different occasion, Member of the Jayawijaya Papua Mountains Student Association (IMPJP) Charles Kossay in his press statement said that the openness of democracy that is currently occurring is increasingly opening up space for wider community participation to be involved in elections.

Kossay said that the success of the 2024 general election and presidential election will also be greatly influenced by public participation in producing new leaders who will become leaders for the continuity of government in Indonesia.

Students must take a role so that the 2024 Election can run honestly and fairly. With idealism and rationality, students must participate and move in order to realize elections with integrity.

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