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Supporting Community Collaboration to Combat Hoax in Pilkada


By: Nurul Janida)*

Pilkada is an important moment in Indonesian democracy. However, this moment is often infiltrated by false information or hoax that can affect voter decisions. Hoax can undermine the credibility of candidates, divide people, and lower public confidence in democratic processes. Therefore, it is important that there is collaboration and participation of the public in combating the hoax of Pilkada. This collaboration can be done by the whole element of the society and all the related interests, whether Parliamentarians, the ranks of the security apparatus, law enforcement, police, public figures, religious figures. Therefore it is essential that the whole ranks can be a driver, so that efforts to combat hoax, false news, hate speech can be effectively implemented. As has been done by Satuan Binmas Polres district of Touna has held Friday Curhat activities to hear directly aspirations and complaints from the community in Touna district.
The program targets the fish merchants and the community in Yos Sudarso Street, Lower Uentanaga Kelurahan. The event was led by KBO Satuan Binmas Ipda Riono, accompanied by Kanit Binkamsa Aiptu Sempo, Kanit Bhabinkamtibmas Aeptu Muh. Ikbal, and Kanit bintibsos Aipda Ade Saiful.
In dialogue with the public, Ipda Riono conveyed that the aim of the dialogue is to absorb aspirations and to know directly the complaints of the public concerning security and public order. (kamtibmas). With this activity, the Polres Touna Binmas Unit hopes to obtain a lot of information and input related to the existing problem so that it can be dealt with and resolved quickly.
In addition, Ipda Riono urged citizens to maintain security and order in their neighborhoods and not be affected by lies or hoax, especially in the run-up to Pilkada. Hopefully, merchants and citizens can deal with problems wisely and keep the cluster together.
Efforts to create a conducive atmosphere are also being made in Salatiga City, Central Java. Polsek Tingkir apparat Polres Salatiga Polda Jateng held a sympathy meeting to the elements of the community. It is intended to get closer to religious figures, public figures, and youth figures in order to maintain the conducibility of the triangle by 2024. Bhabinkamtibmas Tingkir Lor Polsek Tingkir Polres Salatiga, Aiptu Sutarjo, performed silaturrahmi with KH Abdul Nasyir Asy’ari and Ustadz Ahmad Munir Krajan. In the meeting, they agreed to create a cool atmosphere in the community ahead of the implementation of Pilkada 22024.
We should appreciate and support the collaboration of the security apparatus and public figures inviting citizens to play an active role inining the security situation, includingining security and clashes between citizens and religious communities.
Security personnel and public figures also warned citizens to stay away from alcohol, gambling, drugs, and assault, as well as untrustworthy hoax news, mainly Pilkada.
KH Abdul Nasyir Asy’ari and Ustadz Ahmad Munir as Salatiga community figures welcomed the presence of security forces that have cared and embraced the community. The whole party is committed to helping to create a cool, secure, and conducive atmosphere, and not to trust the hoax news and keep the security and clashes among citizens.
Kapolres Salatiga, AKBP Aryuni Novitasari, expressed gratitude to all the ranks who have been active in carrying out the patrols of the area. He urged all sections of society to play an active role inining security, agitation, and untrustworthy hoax news. He also stressed the importance of avoiding alcohol, gambling, asylum, drugs in order to create a safe and conducive Salat Triad.
The role of community organizations and NGOs is not less important. They can be the liaison between government, media, and society in the fight against hoax. The organization can hold workshops, seminars, and campaigns targeting different communities to raise awareness of the dangers of hoax.
The community itself must also be actively involved. Not only as a consumer of information, but also as a filter of information. The public should always be sceptical of the information received, especially those that do not have a clear source or are too sensational. Reporting hoax content to authorities is also an important step.
Collaboration between government, media, community organizations, and the general public will create a safer environment from hoax. This step will ensure that Pilkada runs fairly and transparently.

Governments can also play a more proactive role in providing official and accurate sources of information related to Pilkada. This can be done through official websites, social media, as well as collaboration with the mass media to spread the right information. In addition, the government can organize special training for the state apparatus so that they can recognize and deal with hoax quickly and accurately.
Not only that, social media platforms have a huge responsibility in combating hoax, given the amount of information spread through these channels. They can improve the hoax detection algorithm and work with the fact-checking agency to ensure that the circulating information is accurate. Strong measures such as blocking accounts that have been proven to repeatedly spread hoax also need to be taken to maintain the integrity of information in the cyber world.
Good collaboration between all parties, hopefully the hoax can be minimized. It will not only improve the quality of Pilkada, but also strengthen democracy in Indonesia as a whole. Let’s join in supporting the fight against hoax for a better future.
With the various steps and roles of all these parties, it is hoped that security and order ahead of Pilkada will be well awakened, so that the democratic process can run smoothly and peacefully.

The author is a poor student living in Jakarta.

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