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The Government Encourages the Formulation of Strategic Policies for the Long-Term Development of the Papua Special Region


The government continues to provide encouragement for efforts to formulate strategic policies related to long-term development in the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua. This aims to further maximize the impact of good benefits that will be felt by indigenous Papuans (OAP).

A program or decision, if it is a strategic policy, should be designed and thought about how the program will be sustainable even in the medium term and into the future.

Of course, no policy is formed without very careful consideration and formulation by many parties, such as together with academics or experts to mutually formulate together the long-term development policy of the Papua Special Region.

It is the same as the policies that will be implemented by the Government in Papua. The Directorate General (Dirjen) for Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), has provided assistance to discuss various strategic issues related to the policy direction for long-term development in the 4 new autonomous regions of Papua between the center and the regions.

This assistance certainly has the aim of gathering all input and getting an initial view of how problems and strategic issues are occurring. Including being able to formulate policy directions and development planning programs.

Regarding development efforts in the new autonomous region, the Director of Planning, Evaluation and Regional Development Information (PEIPD) Iwan Kurniawan said that various matters regarding regional policies themselves have been included in Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government (Pemda), that Regional Autonomy is a right , the authority and obligation of autonomous regions to be able to regulate and manage government affairs themselves as well as the interests of local communities in the system of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

He also hopes that the assistance provided will have an impact on bringing many benefits and will also be able to obtain the expected results, namely being able to provide recommendations regarding the direction of development and regional development for the 4 provinces in the new autonomous region for the long term.

It should also be noted that the Directorate General of Regional Development itself is currently in the process of preparing guidelines for the Regional Long Term Development Plan (RPJPD), which contains how to plan development at a macro level as well as what the vision and mission and direction of development are like. regions for a period of up to the next 20 years, namely for the period 2025 to 2045.

Of course, the preparation of the RPJPD document is carried out to be able to actually realize regional development goals, which are also an integral part of overall national development. If regional development can be implemented well, of course national development will automatically receive maximum support. Especially when you know how political dynamics continue to occur recently, including at the international level.

So, it is very important that the preparation of the RPJPD continues to be adjusted because there are several parts that may not be explained in the existing regulations. In the future, humans will not only be active development subjects, but in this case, humans will also be objects that will receive full benefits from development in Papua.

The objectives of the expansion of provinces in Papua are contained in article 93 of Government Regulation Number 106 of 2021 concerning the Authority and Institutions for Implementing the Special Autonomy Policy for Papua Province. The regulation states that expansion is to accelerate equitable development, improve public services, community welfare, and the dignity of indigenous Papuans (OAP).

On a different occasion, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin hoped that the formation of four new autonomous regions (DOB) in Papua Province could be a way of changing or a game changer for solving existing problems in Papua, both welfare and security issues.

Ma’ruf also hopes that the formation of a new province in Papua will make services to the Papuan people even more massive. Because, so far services in the vast Papua region have only been concentrated in Papua Province and West Papua. The realization of the New Autonomous Region in Papua can be the best effort to provide accelerated development and equality as a right that must and must be accepted by Papuans who are part of the Republic of Indonesia.

The development of the Papua Special Region is part of the government’s efforts to initiate long-term development for Papua. Through DOB, the government has issued many policies to improve the welfare of the Papuan people. One of them is the presidential instruction regarding accelerating welfare development in Papua and West Papua.

Encouragement from the government is certainly very necessary to formulate strategic policies for the long-term development of new autonomous regions, considering that Papua is an integral region of the Republic of Indonesia and Papua has the right to develop forward.

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