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The Importance of Coordination to Ensure Pilkada Preparation


By: Dirandra Falguni)*

The 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections are getting closer, with the implementation scheduled for November 27. All elements of government and related institutions are committed to making thorough preparations and ensuring that each stage can run smoothly. This preparation includes logistical aspects, neutrality of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), socialization for the community, and intensive collaboration between institutions. In several regions, such as DKI Jakarta, Central Sulawesi, and Pasuruan City, coordination and readiness reviews continue to be carried out to ensure a safe and peaceful implementation.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has shown its seriousness in supporting the 2024 Pilkada by holding a meeting with the General Election Commission (KPU), the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), and mayors throughout Jakarta. Acting (Pj) Governor of DKI Jakarta, Teguh Setyabudi, stated that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government’s support is a concrete step in maintaining the neutrality of ASN, campaign implementation, and logistics distribution. This meeting also includes security coordination with the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) to ensure smooth implementation.

This includes his party’s commitment to support a safe and fair Pilkada in accordance with the principles of general elections. Teguh also emphasized the importance of establishing a declaration of ASN neutrality as an anticipatory step so that government employees maintain professionalism during the election period. Moreover, ASN neutrality is one aspect that Bawaslu continues to monitor in an effort to realize a fair election free from internal influence.

In addition to focusing on ASN neutrality, the DKI Provincial Government and DKI KPU have ensured the readiness of logistics distribution. Head of the Data and Information Division of the DKI Jakarta KPU, Fahmi Zikrillah, reported that the ballots have arrived at each district/city KPU and are ready to be distributed. The appointment of 133 thousand Voting Organizer Groups (KPPS) will also be carried out on November 7, followed by technical guidance for the KPPS. Fahmi added that the support and facilities from the DKI Provincial Government greatly assisted this preparation process.

Elsewhere, the Central Sulawesi Provincial KPU also held a coordination meeting attended by all election organizers. This meeting was held at the Sriti Convention Hall, Palu City, and aimed to align perceptions in the voting process. Head of the Central Sulawesi KPU Socialization Division, Nisbah, explained that the voting simulation was part of education for KPPS officers, with the hope that KPPS could channel technical knowledge to voters properly.

The inauguration process of KPPS in Central Sulawesi is scheduled for November 7, 2024 at the respective polling stations (TPS). This effort was taken to ensure that the voting stages run smoothly and voters have good access in the implementation of the Pilkada. This coordination is also expected to strengthen the synergy between the KPU and regional apparatus so that every element of the election implementation in the field can synergize according to existing regulations.

Meanwhile, in Pasuruan City, an important stage in the Pilkada preparation process is the sorting and folding of ballots. This process began on October 23, 2024, involving 30 officers working in two shifts at the Pasuruan City KPU Office. This activity aims to prepare 159,538 ballots, including 2,000 reserve ballots for the Re-vote (PSU).

The Commissioner of the Pasuruan City KPU for the Division of Socialization, Voter Education, and Community Participation (Sosdiklih Parmas), Visensia Niken Devi Intan Sari, emphasized that this stage was closely monitored to ensure that every ballot paper was ready to be used on election day. After being folded, the ballot papers will be stored in the KPU warehouse until checked by the province. This preparation also includes the procurement of additional ballot papers for the election of the governor and deputy governor of East Java, which is still waiting for the Provincial KPU. Every incoming logistics is always monitored by her party because it reflects the dedication of the Pasuruan City KPU in maintaining logistics transparency.

Intensive collaboration between the KPU, Bawaslu, and local governments reflects the importance of synergy in maintaining the conduciveness of the Pilkada. The KPU is not only responsible for the implementation, but also collaborates with local governments in various aspects, from logistics to security. Bawaslu also plays an important role in ensuring that each stage of the Pilkada is free from influences that can reduce the quality of democracy, such as ASN’s non-neutrality or fraud in the campaign.

The involvement of Forkopimda in DKI Jakarta and other related agencies in the region shows the government’s seriousness in ensuring that the Pilkada runs safely and smoothly. In this case, ASN neutrality is the main issue emphasized by the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta and the Head of Bawaslu DKI Jakarta. ASN neutrality not only maintains public trust, but also becomes an important foundation in the implementation of democratic and influence-free elections.

With thorough preparation in various regions, the KPU and local government ranks strive to maintain the quality of democracy through transparent and reliable regional elections. Preparation of logistics distribution in Jakarta, voting simulation in Central Sulawesi, and ballot sorting in Pasuruan City are real examples of the commitment of the KPU and local governments. These stages demonstrate the dedication of all parties involved to ensure that the public can exercise their right to vote without hindrance.

The success of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections will be a reflection of the future of democracy in Indonesia. The seriousness in preparation and strong collaboration between institutions provide great hope that these elections can run smoothly, safely, and peacefully.

)* The author is a contributor to Beritakapuas.com

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