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The Importance of Weaving Community Unity After the 2024 Regional Elections


JAKARTA – After the 2024 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada), the integration of social life in society is one of the most important things to strengthen. Pilkada, which is followed by various political dynamics, differences in choices, and various aspirations of the community, often leaves challenges for creating social harmony. Therefore, strengthening social integration after the election is the key to creating national stability and progress.

The Head of Public Relations of the Indonesian National Police, Level II of the Indonesian National Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Pol. Erlangga said that regional elections often cause polarization that affects regional stability. Therefore, the integration of the nation’s children is very important.

“Regional elections are an important moment in democracy, but they often cause social polarization that can affect regional stability. For that, we all need to be involved in the integration of the nation’s children involving the government, society, religious figures, and other stakeholders,” he said.

Brigadier General Pol. Erlangga emphasized that post-election, reconciliation and strengthening national values ​​are the keys to restoring social relations and rebuilding public trust in democracy.

Meanwhile, the Secretary General (Sekjen) of the Ministry of Religion, M Ali Ramdhani said that the simultaneous regional elections are a democratic momentum that must be maintained with full responsibility.

“We must ensure that differences in choice do not disrupt harmony between citizens. All parties, be it political parties, regional head candidates, or the community, must play an active role in creating a conducive atmosphere,” said Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs M. Ali Ramdhani.

He hopes that after the 2024 simultaneous regional elections, the community will remain safe and peaceful, without causing tension in the community. In addition, he reminded the importance of maintaining unity and avoiding the spread of hoaxes that can divide society.

Likewise, Professor of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, Prof. Amien Suyitno stated that he strongly supports maintaining harmony in Indonesia.

“The 2024 Interfaith Harmony Index (IKUB) survey, which has increased, should not be tarnished by the Simultaneous Regional Elections,” said Suyitno.

He also invited all levels of society to use social media wisely and not get caught up in hoaxes or fake news that can damage harmony.

“Information circulating in cyberspace must be filtered wisely so as not to add to the prolonged political tension. Filter first before sharing,” he said.

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