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The Whole Community Must Together to Create a Conducive Situation for Peaceful Elections


By: Ahmad Dzul Ilmi Muis)*

Collaboration between all levels of society is needed to create peaceful situations and conditions in the upcoming 2024 General Elections. All parties should be responsible for carrying out the task of maintaining security and order, as well as self-awareness to realize good quality democracy in Indonesia during the 2024 elections. 

The legislative general election (Pemilu) in 2024 will certainly be an arena for political contestation for the participants in the Legislative Candidates (Caleg) and their supporters. Nevertheless, it is hoped that the General Election will unite the nation so that it can create a developed Indonesia. One of the conditions for the realization of an advanced country, apart from the economy, is the unity and integrity of the nation itself. 

         As the political year of the 2024 elections approaches, all levels of society in the country must work together to maintain order and security for the sake of a peaceful 2024 elections and to improve the quality of democracy in Indonesia. To support order and security, the Polres in various Bhabinkamtibmas areas are intensively conducting patrols to suppress and prevent crime, crime, and provide a sense of security to residents. One of them is the Wonosobo Police who also provide education and outreach to the public regarding peaceful elections. 

The personnel were deployed at several points that were considered vulnerable, namely, roads, public areas and residential areas. Not forgetting, the officers also continued to appeal to the public regarding peaceful elections in 2024. In this political year, the officers advised that all members of the community should work together to maintain security and order so that it remains peaceful and conducive. Then, the patrol was actually welcomed positively by the community because they felt happier and safer with the presence of police officers in their environment.

         It’s true, maintaining order in the upcoming 2024 political year is not only the task of the KPU, Bawaslu, and Legislative Candidates, but all Indonesian people from various walks of life, including village administration, security forces from joint personnel of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), Head of State of the Republic of Indonesia ( National Police) and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) who always maintain the situation, conducive to security and order in society so as to create peaceful elections that do not divide society.

         Appeals related to the 2024 peaceful elections are also addressed to the public so that they can maintain tolerance in any differences between religious communities. The reason is, how could it not be, our homeland has 6 recognized religions, of course they are very different. It is hoped that this difference will not reduce our sense of unity as an Indonesian nation ahead of the upcoming 2024 political year.

         On the same occasion, all security measures for the 2024 Election have been prepared, starting from submitting Prospective Legislative Candidates (Bacaleg), data verification, to campaigning for the contestants. Initial security has been put in place, including the Kodim 1420/Sidrap as well as the General Elections Commission and the entire local community to be able to continue to ensure security during the Bacaleg application process. Furthermore, all parties must comply with the election process in an orderly, safe, smooth and peace.

         Meanwhile, the Katingan Police, namely from Bhabinkamtibmas Tewang Rangkang Village, Sangalang Garing and Malan Island Police, Katingan Police, Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan) Regional Police, Aipda Surya A. Satriawan invites all village officials to be able to continue to be vigilant on the emergence of various kinds of information lies or hoaxes, especially at the time of the democratic election in 2024 as it is today.

         Mainly, these various kinds of hoaxes are very easy for all people to access and also easily spread via social media and the internet, which have recently developed massively, especially for young people or millennials.

         When all levels of village apparatus and also the community are able to remain alert to the appearance of hoax news, then of course they will be able to create a situation of security and order ahead of the 5 (five) annual cycle of democratic party events that change leadership in the Republic of Indonesia (RI).

         It is also very important for all elements of the nation to be able to jointly increase their commitment so they don’t easily believe and continue to be aware of each other about the massive hoax information that has sprung up on social media, because of course that much incorrect information can disrupt the smooth running of the election process. 2024.

         With hoaxes that continue to spread widely, a series of negative things can of course emerge, starting to use the issue of sara which is very sensitive for the people themselves, which will seriously threaten the peace and harmony between residents. So to want an election that is clean, honest and fair, all levels of society must participate.

         Therefore, a conducive situation is something that must be maintained by all parties, especially in order to be able to create a safe, peaceful and smooth election situation. Conduciveness of course will not be realized if only a few parties strive for it, so that indeed the whole community must be responsible for looking after each other.

)* The author is an alumnus of FISIP Unair 

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