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The whole party is ready to show Pilkada as a party of democracy


by: Sabrina Aulia)*

The 2024 crash in Indonesia is an important moment that will determine the direction of regional development in the next few years. All sides showed their readiness to welcome the Pillkada democracy party. Amidst a warming political climate, the role of the security apparatus becomes crucial to ensuring the electoral process runs safely, orderly, and peacefully. Therefore, various efforts are being made by the security apparatus, including TNI, Polri, and other related elements, to ensure security during Pilkada.

The security apparatus has convened coordination meetings involving various parties, including the KPU, the Bawaslu, political parties, and the local government. This coordination aims to identify potential problems and formulate prevention and management strategies.

Polres Madiun Kota together with the stake holder have prepared a concrete step-by-step strategy in order to maintain security and order during the Pilkada process.

Kapolres Madiun Kota AKBP Agus Dwi Suryanto, SIK,.MH said the police together with the related stake holders have consolidated the preparedness, equality of perception of strategies and concrete steps to control Pilkada so that the situation remains secure and orderly, conducive to the election of the head of the district from pre to post-election.

AKBP Agus Dwi also stressed the importance of synergy and collaboration between agencies inining security and order during Pilkada.

In the face of the potential virginity of the situation on the very dynamic field of course needs to be managed simultaneously as the cold situation should be created, and the media crew is expected in the news presentation can be cooling system in the way of Pilkada so that it can be implemented well safely and smoothly as well as welcome the party of democracy with cheerful joy, avoiding Golput, keeping his voice to be able to elect the best son and daughter in Madiun. Regarding neutrality, Polres Madiun Kota together with TNI and elements of the Government are committed that neutrality is the death price, and the task of controlling and important to ensure according to their respective tupoxies so that this phase of Pilkada runs safely and smoothly and conducive.

Still in the framework of preparation of security implementation of Pilkada simultaneously 2024, Code 1311/Morowali also called the activities of the Title Pilkada PAM Preparation Team. The Commander of Kodim 1311/Morowali, Letkol Inf. Alzaki stressed the importance of the synergy and readiness of the entire security element in ensuring the smoothness and security of this democratic process.

The book ensures that the 2024 simultaneous Pilkada can run namely, orderly, and smoothly. It also emphasizes the importance of vigilance and close collaboration, recognizing that the country needs optimal security and cooperation from all sides.

During the parallel implementation of Pilkada 2024, Polresta Sidoarjo has also launched a number of preparations. One of them calls it a simulation of the City Security System. The Pilkada security simulation shows when the Pilkada process is going on. Where police officers together with TNI and related stake holders carry out the security process of the KPU logistics warehouse.

Waka Polresta Sidoarjo Kombes Deny Agung Andriana said the activities of the city security system carried out by the Polresta is there, in order to ensure the readiness and understanding of the security personnel in anticipating the potential interference Kamtibmas by the implementation of Pilkada Serentak 2024.

It is not only the security that prepares Pilkada, but the organizers of Pilkada 2024 are also strengthening its humidity as was done by Bawaslu JavaTimur.

The Chief of the Province of East Java Bawaslu, A. Warits called on all supervisors at the district/city level that all the good and bad events that have been through during the election stage 2024, as the best teachers to make the work of the Bavaslu in monitoring Pilkada simultaneously to be better.

Not only with experience, in order to better surveillance results, Bawaslu Jatim is also currently reconstructing form A and performing an innovation called Data House. According to Warits, the goal is for the entire administration of Bawaslo’s oversight to be recorded and preserved properly.

In other provinces, the Secretary of the I DPRD Commission Kalsel, H. Suripno Sumas said the I Government, Law and Human Rights Commission of DPRD Southern Kalimantan (Kalsel) is monitoring the preparations for the election of the Head of District (Pilkada) 2024 in Tabalong or the northernmost district of the province.

It says the main task of the DPRD I Commission Kalsel who has a working relationship with KPUD asks for preparedness and preparation to face Pilkada 2924 and it appears that Tabalong has been ready.

Pilkada 2024 is a crucial moment for democracy in Indonesia. The success of its implementation depends heavily on the ability of the security forces to keep the situation safe and peaceful. Through efforts such as mature planning, improved staff care, the use of technology, socialization, and strong law enforcement, it is expected to make Pilkada 2024 run smoothly without any significant interference.

With the active participation of all parties, including the public, Pilkada 2024 can be an example of democratic and peaceful elections. The security apparatus is committed to continuing to work hard to realize these ideals, so that people can exercise their right to vote safely and freely.

)* The author is a political observer

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