US “Level-Up” Their Support to Ukraine

By: M.Dinata *)
US involvement in Russia-Ukraine war in Crimea, East Ukraine, this time is only as the provider of non-lethal military aids, such as: gas masks, medical aids and radar technologies. However, the heated up conflict between Russia and Ukraine, makes US consider on providing weapons, such as: anti-tank, anti-air and anti-mortar systems.
This consideration is based on the new incrimination that Russia has break the ceasefire agreement signed in Minsk on September 2014. This incrimination makes Uni Eropean extend the sanctions for Russia and Pro-Russia rebels for six months. Nevertheless, that sanction seems not affect Russia’s intention to war, “No one knows in what level that economic sanction, diplomatic pressure and isolation can change Russian’s leader, Vladimir Putin, mind. In fact, I’m not sure if he himself knows,” said Leon Aron, Russia’s problem analyst from American Enterprise Institute.
In the near future, US Minister of Foreign Affairs, John Kerry will visit Ukraine to firm his support for Ukraine. “We always think about Ukraine. We want Russia’s supports for the rebel, such as: tank, heavies and rocket are stopped,” He said. US claim that President Barack Obama had originally been firmly opposed to arming the Ukrainian military and prefer diplomatic solution to stop this conflict.
Nonetheless, The US National Security Council spokeswoman, Bernadette Meehan, says to The New York Times: “Although our focus remains on pursuing a solution through diplomatic means, we are always evaluating other options that will help create space for a negotiated solution to the crisis.” On the other hand, Former US ambassador for Ukraine Steven Pifer, whose now become an analyst in Brookings Institution says, “Unfortunately, there are no indications in last few weeks that Russia is ready to have a serious negotiation.”
So far, US President Barrack Obama has not yet decided whether they will provide the weapon or not. White house and NATO’s military commander, General Philip Breedlove, is still considering about their decision.
*) The Author Is Brunei Darussalam Contributor