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Poor Citizen of Kalteng Increased

Slum : An old man began her activity on slum kitchen, a moment ago. Based on the data in BPS, the number of poor citizen in Kalimantan Tengah Province reached 151.326.
Slum : An old man began her activity on slum kitchen, a moment ago. Based on the data in BPS, the number of poor citizen in Kalimantan Tengah Province reached 151.326.

By: Fuad *)

Based on the data september 2014 of Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Kalimantan Tengah (Kalteng), the number of poor citizen in Province “Tambun Bungai” reached 151.326.

If the number compare to previous year, 2013, the number of poor citizen in area about the 157.983 Km square, increased 2.501 people. Whereas, the map will divided by two, village 109.373 people (6,74%) and city 39.452 (4,75%).

“based on the living area, on the period September 2013-september 2014, the number of poor citizen in the city decreased 7.571 people (1,05%). Whereas, in the village increased 7.012 people (0,29%),” said head of BPS Kalteng Sukardi, Like published on Borneo News, Saturday (10/1/2015).

He said that, there were changing on the poor line for the base BPS counting last year. Poor libe on September 2004 decided IDR 330.869 or increased 7,53% than September 2013 ago, was only IDR 307.698.

“The role of food commodity to the line poor was higher than role of non-food commodity (home, clothes, education and healthy). In the last September 2004, the poor line of food to the poor line was 81,02%, was not far different on the September 2013 was on 80,84%,”.

Academician of State Islamic Institue of Palangka Raya, Hakimsyah said, the increased of number poor citizen, indicate need changing on public policy, but not all, only on some spot.

He assumed, when the build on the village was strong, the poor in the city increased. Whereas, when program in village was weakness, much people going to the city looking for job. It made a new problem and affect to the high number in the poor citizen.

“Its mean that the public policy must be discuss. If necessary, revision if there were a benefit. It was because, maybe the number of poor in both (city and village) decreased,”.

*) The Author Is Kalimantan Regional Contributors


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