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Preparation Axis Maritime, Maluku Must Ready of All Aspects

Preparation Axis Maritime, Maluku Must Ready of All Aspects
Preparation Axis Maritime, Maluku Must Ready of All Aspects

By: Maya *)

In order to prepare Maluku as Maritime axis of Indonesia, Maluku must make arrangement in infrastructure facilities to accommodate the rate of pre marine business in the future. Ambon Island, a location that became the capital of Maluku province, should be the most advanced regions, to answer all these challenges.
At the Port Yos Sudarso Ambon, for example, there are only 3 pieces of container transportation Services Company that Tanto, Temas and Meratus while in Bitung North Sulawesi there are 8 pieces of container transportation services.


“For the rating of cargo at the port of Bitung gone up 5 percent, while the cargo at ports rating Yos Sudarso Ambon still below 5 percent, ” Such information Bustaman Ohorella, SE Head of Domestic Trade Department of Industry and Trade of Maluku in his office.

According to Ohorella, to increase the capacity of container transportation services in the Moluccas, the potential of natural resources (SDA) must be secured either plantation, agriculture, forestry, mining and fisheries so that activities can be carried out from the port of export Yos Sudarso Ambon.

Potentials of natural resources should be set and secured so as not out of the area in vain, because during this time many SDA in Maluku out to other areas with offhand and could not control.

Admittedly, this potential for our natural resources such as cloves and nutmeg should be distributed and occur in production centers such as in Tehoru, Banda, North Seram and East Seram, so it cannot be monitored.

The appropriate measurement to overcome this is by using the warehouse receipt system, and this should be discussed together with the local government. Maluku province is considered too late to implement the warehouse receipt system, though Maluku was time to have it (warehouse receipt) to help improve the welfare of farmers.

Because there is no warehouse receipt system then the middleman has always benefited from the results of the farmers in Maluku.

It is said, one of the warehouses in North Seram Kobi by Central Maluku District Government is prepared to be a warehouse receipt system, but has been corrupted by society after the prosecution division of North Seram become one of the autonomous regions.

To damage the warehouse then Cq Central Government Ministry of Trade will help to pay attention to these damages.

” All regions in Maluku which is potential will be seen for the place of Warehouse Receipt System. For that all relevant agencies to support and facilitate the process of the warehouse receipt system,” he hoped.

*) The Author Is Maluku Regional Contributors

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