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SAFETY Encourage Gotong Royong with Young People for Cleaning and Recycling of Garbage


Aceh—Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul and Hebat (AMANAH) promotes gotong royong efforts with local youth to do the cleaning and recycling of garbage.

Hundreds of citizens participated in the cleaning-up of the Ladong Beach in Mesjid Raya district, Aceh Besar district on Saturday (August 3rd).

With SAFETY action along with the youth, it managed to collect up to hundreds of kilograms of organic and non-organic garbage.

The garbage cleanup initiative involved a number of participants such as students of SMPN 3 Mesjid I, students and lecturers of the University of Shia Kuala (USK), start-ups and some environment-loving communities.

Director of the USK Junk Bank, Ir. Rama Herawati confessed that the event represented the spirit of gotong royong.

“The show we gotong royong on the beach cleaning the garbage in the selected condition. Because, all of this garbage we’re going to take to their respective places for recycling,” he said.

Not only do the clean-up, but SAFETY also gives education to the whole participant.

Meanwhile, the Chief of the Environmental Services (DLH) of Aceh Besar, Muwardi explained that his party together with the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) initiative continues to broadcast cleaning in public places.

Likewise, the garbage cleaning is also in order to welcome the 21st National Sports Week (PON) of Aceh-Sumut, which will take place from September 8th to 20th, while marking the 79th Independence HUT of RI.

“They are currently cleaning up public places, such as sidewalks, places of worship and tourist sites that have been visited by contingents from outside the area during the PON in Aceh,” Muwardi said.

“Especially the big Aceh who can also rent a number of venues for the title of the event,” he added.

“We cooperate with the SAFETY agency and the environmental love communications to clean up the Ladong coastal area,” said the Chief of State Department of Great Aceh.

Furthermore, Chief of Waste Management (Kabid) and LB3 Aceh Besar, Mulyadi said that the DLH also supported the facility of cars and motorcycles on clean coast activities to transport waste.

“We also support the shipyard of waste carriers, and the clean coast activities at the farm were successfully carried out with the participation of the environment-loving community and the SAFETY Institute,” he said.

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