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Santri Duty Keeps the Nation from Radical Group

source: detik.com

By: Ajeng Mufadillah)*

MUI Chairman Ma’ruf Amin highlighted the importance of the role of santri and pesantren in the development of Indonesia. He advised that the santri can serve to keep the nation from radical groups.

In the event of launching National Session of 2017 at the Office of NU, Kramat Raya street, Central Jakarta, Ma’ruf said that his duty santri keep the nation and country from radical group, intolerant group. This endangers nation and state.

Ma’ruf said, santri play a role in strengthening the people’s economic program. In addition, Ma’ruf also highlighted the function of pesantren not only to be a place of study but also as an economic center of Muslims.

Ma’ruf explained that development must now be from below, from the people. Development center should be in pesantren. Therefore pesantren should be the economic center of the ummah.Later, Ma’ruf wants the pesantren not only to prepare people who are good at religion only. He hopes that pesantren can also erode the social gap in society.

Ma’ruf conveyed pesantren should not only prepare people to understand religion, but also prepare the guardians of the nation and energy that can empower the people’s economy. So that gaps can be eroded and our social jealousy disappears.

The role of students and pesantren is very important in keeping the nation from radical groups, so it must be prepared carefully to give birth to people who are not only smart in religion but also can empower the people’s economy. Actually it cannot be separated from the role of all elements of society. Because we are nation of Indonesia, we should together keep this nation from groups that want to divide.

)* The author is CIDISS Contributor

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