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Campus role Urgent prevent Radicalism


By: Alif Fikri )*

Radicalism already enter to circles student . because _ that party campus role urgent in prevent radicalism . The method with selecting lecturers to be nationalist and anti- radicalism . Then , parties campus should too follow state ideology and don’t otherwise alias supports terrorism and radicalism .

Action The terror that occurred at the Astana Anyar Police , Bandung , West Java , on December 7 , 2022, shows that radicalism still Becomes enemy together for Indonesian nation . Even though Indonesia is a pluralist country , is n’t it homogeneous , so no can establish caliphate . Group radicals and terrorists are eager founded the state with system new , which is not suitable with Indonesian society .

Dear very radicalism found inside _ campus . When there is a students in East Java who were arrested because support group radical , then this Becomes a signal danger . Do not until there is other students who fell to in radicalism or there is campus that secretly deploys teachings radicals and terrorists .

Chancellor of the Indonesian National Islamic University Bireuen , Aceh, Prof. Apridar , M.Si , stated that campus must filled with knowledgeable people who have aim as light society . However _ Campuses are also very vulnerable used by a group of people for fight for ideology , aka the group radical .

Prof. April continue , campus is positive institutions and do n’t until changed so radical . If already happening ( radicalism ) means no capable guard campus . Function campus is prevent radicalism , which is stream you want change ideology with method coercion . Campus must walk with the right path , accordingly with state ideology .

In meaning , campus is institution education that provides knowledge with positive . Do not until changed bow Becomes radical . If this is the case so will there is chaos because student will changed so radicals and terrorists , then will do mutiny and attack . They plan bombings and other dangerous acts for society .

For prevent radicalism so party campus must have a special strategy . First with selection strict lecturer . _ For PTN ( college country height ) then the lecturer is civil servants and since beginning selection there is exam with questions about radicalism . With exam like this so confirmed all lecturer no related with radicalism .

Second , if there is already lecturer _ work long enough then can monitored activities , especially in cyberspace. Do not until when he is on social media it turns out often cursing government , then proud caliphate . This is signs somebody already radical and obligatory done inspection against him . Moment proven radical so there is reprimand hard from rector so that he no repeat the mistake .

Monitoring like that no a suspicion , but rather method for prevent campus _ no so nest radical . Do not until there is a lecturer who teaches radicalism , students will affected , then they will demo and do action treason .

it _ will smudge name good campus , where only there is some students do _ _ error , however institution campus hit the sap . Prevention radicalism must done in a manner thorough , no only to lecturer but also students .

Student susceptible caught radicalism , especially from set or activity units student . There must be supervision from party campus , what only they _ do ? Do not until activity unit space student abused so the place discussion meeting _ radicalism and terrorism .

Temporary that , Deputy Chancellor of the University of Jambi, Dr. Teja Kaswari , stated that student must be at the forefront in prevent radicalism . Campus must free from understand terrorism and radicalism . Ideology pancasila must permanent is on campus , accordingly with ambition Indonesian founder .

In effort prevention radicalism among _ campus , the University of Jambi held socialization Perpres Number 2 of 2021 concerning prevention extremism based violence that leads to terrorism . The source is Chairman of the Coordination Forum Prevention Terrorism Jambi Province , Prof. As’ad Isma .

Prof. As’ad Isma state that don’t until there is movement intolerance and radicalism on campus . because _ that he appreciated Jambi University for holding socialization , so that students understand danger radicalism , extremism and terrorism .

If anything socialization then students _ can understand that campus is the place for study and organize . No the place for know group radicals and terrorists . They must already understand what just danger radicalism and terrorism , therefore that will refuse hard solicitation from group terrorist . If there are activity units suspicious students , should _ can live reported to party campus .

Campus is the place for learn and achieve achievement . Student is agent changes and allowed organize as well as demonstration . However don’t until when organize they poisoned by the teachings radicalism and terrorism . Do not until campus poisoned by radicalism and its students so radical , because that must there is prevention from party campus .

)* Writer is Nusa Bangsa Institute contributors

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