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Synergize Resist Radicalism in Social Media Create Cyberspace Positive


By: Mika Putri Larasati )*

Social Media ( Medsos ) already been a long time ago the place somebody use up time when currently no do nothing , social media moment this like the market where we can look for anything , including knowledge that turns out misleading not except understand echoed radical _ through social media by sympathizers group radical .

Too deep religion in through ridiculous social media , in fact will cause somebody can just exposed to understanding radical or terrorism . this _ caused still rampant video content about matter the .

Referring to 1994 , ever there is a declaration against Pancasila in Banten, which was given name Small Group Against Pancasila (K2P2) .

Root radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia, especially Banten, was driven by the current Indonesian Islamic State movement that abbreviated as NII, movement the have vision want establish an Islamic state.

Certain just matter the don’t until repeated back , remembering the warriors and founders nation We are scattered Indonesians from various ethnicity and religion, no until struggle hero in unify Indonesia, in fact split excited understand radical which is not in line with Pancasila.

Polresta Serang Kota on Wednesday 16 November 2022 has carry out discussion about effort eradicate radicalism and terrorism . Figure the people of Banten, Embay Mulya Sharif look forward to discussion related public _ with terrorism for can keep going done all over Indonesian police , of course with enclose society , so effort this expected could ward off radicalism in the environment House them .

Head of Section ( Kabag ) Public Relations Division Headquarters Public Relations National Police , Kombes Pol Nurul Azizah said , discussing the discussion about effort oppose radicalism ideally of course took place in 34 Polda throughout Indonesia. But in 2022 , new can held in 24 police area .

In discussion it also listens exposure from one _ ex- perpetrator terrorism already _ pledge self for return to hug red white . One of them explained that thinking radical as well as action terror can permeate who course , even members of the Armed Forces and Police .         

He also hopes for discussion this could keep going implemented in a manner periodically to prevent radicalism and terrorism together society .

Need It is also known that in 2011, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has using social media for spread understand radical . Group the launched propaganda through social media and interesting sympathy of the world with social media .

Formerly Public not yet aware will the dangers of social media . Though ISIS also announced his recruitment on social media , to finally there is a number of real Indonesian citizen attracted for leave to Syria , no only that , upon arrival there they also burn _ _ _ his passport .

Group radical like ISIS moves silent with strategy utilise technology . that way rated effective and cheap for spread ideology , recruitment until do fundraising . social media moment this can likened as wilderness forest jungle . Radicalists _ optimizing social media To use recruit congregation .

Certain just whole element Public must close up line so you can ward off understand intolerance and takfirism . One of them , inviting the students or teacher so you can utilise message peace via social media .

Message peace this of course Becomes urgent for tighten union . Besides it , pressing behavior intolerance and accept Pancasila as base a state that is not contrary with Islamic values .

Society must understand that draft caliphate already worn eaten by time. Pancasila is modern country markers that accommodate every element child nation including Islamic circles .

Task child young moment this is must capable occupy the social media arena for interest positive . However , practicing the social media arena of course just can with convey message peace mercy lil’alamin .

Head of the National Agency for Mitigation Terrorism (BNPT) Komjen Pol Boy Rafli Amar said deployment understand radical lately this happened very fast .

Content radicalism on the internet already not counted the amount . Exalted religious radicalism precisely could raises split between fellow people religious with same belief _ or with other religious groups .

Understand radical in run and deploy understanding tend use the way it doesn’t in accordance with what already _ made guidelines life daily Indonesian society .

Radicalism keep going try force generation nation with what are they understanding as guidelines life nor solution on problem nation . Echoed solution is application caliphate .

Provocation here ‘s what came in into the anxiety Public for then herding opinion that government has do tyrannical and consider Pancasila as tagut .

social media is means easy for spread Regardless , the existence of the Internet has make information could spread in count seconds , of course just needed synergy Among society and officials for muffle deployment understand radical . )* Writer is Nusantara Reading Room contributors

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