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The entire Government instance is ready to control the successful execution of the 79th RI HUT Ceremony at IKN


by: Rivka Mayangsari*)

The implementation of the 79th Independence Day (HUT) of the Republic of Indonesia in the capital of Nusantara (IKN) is a historic momentum for Indonesia, especially the East Kalimantan region. The Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan, Akmal Malik, reaffirmed the full readiness of the local government in controlling the success of the event. Various preparatory steps have been taken to ensure that the celebration goes smoothly and solemnly. This momentum is an important milestone in ICT history, and it is committed to making it a major success.
In the coordination meeting, Pj Governor of Kaltim, Akmal Malik, along with Kapolda Kaltim Irjen Pol Nanang Avianto, Kasdam VI/Mulawarman Brigjen TNI Bayu Permana, and a number of other important officials discussed various technical and logistical aspects. This meeting is part of an effort to ensure that the entire preparatory phase can be completed properly and on time.
Akmal revealed that the Government of East Kalimantan Province together with Forkopimda has taken various preparatory steps to successfully implement the 79th HUT of RI Independence in IKN and hopes all stages are final by 10 July 2024. Mature preparation and collaboration from all sides are the key to the success of this event, which is expected to strengthen the spirit of nationality and the sense of unity among communities.
Earlier, President Joko Widodo also sent a special message to Pj Governor Akmal Malik to ensure the success of the event. The President stressed the importance of cooperation and coordination between the various parties to ensure that the celebration takes place safely and orderly. This message is a boost to the local government and all the parties involved.
The series of ceremonies will begin with the National Dzikir activities in Jakarta on August 1, 2024. Next, on August 10, 2024, the Paskibraka team will be reinforced and the Red White Flag duplicate will be lifted to IKN through Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Airport (SAMS) Sepinggan Balikpapan. A duplicate reception of the flag will be prepared at the airport, which is expected to begin on August 16, 2024, and guests are already beginning to arrive.
Strategic measures have been drawn up to support this activity. Technical preparations, security, logistics, up to accommodation for guests have been carefully arranged. The involvement of various relevant agencies, including TNI and Polri was also made to ensure smoothness and security during the event.
The Chief Executive Officer of the Security Ceremony of the 79th Independence HUT of RI, Commander Kodam VI/Mulawarman Majjen TNI Tri Budi Utomo, also stressed the importance of the involvement of the Liaison Service (Dishub) in the process of picking up and transporting troops and taruna who will participate in the ceremony. It is estimated that about 850 personnel will be deployed and transported to ICT for training and preparation.
Kapolda Kaltim, Irjen Pol Nanang Avianto, informed that TNI, Polri, and Provincial Governors should continue to synchronize and update data and take coordinating measures. It is important that the entire network of commemorative activities of the 79th Independence HUT in the IKN can run safely and smoothly. Kapolda also mentioned a number of activities that would begin in early August 2024.
Meanwhile, on August 1, 2024, the Paskibraka, Paspampres, and protocol troops will be conducted in Jakarta.
Other preparations include vehicle preparation, health teams, media coverage, ambulances, public observation facilities, reception and escort of foreign ambassadors, hygiene, traffic security, accommodation, as well as the installation of wreaths and customary clothing. Polda Kaltim will be in charge of VIP security, while VVIP security will be under the control of Brigade VI/Mulawarman and Paspampres.
With all the preparations that have been made, Governor Pj Kaltim Akmal Malik is optimistic that the implementation of the 79th HUT of RI Independence in IKN will be an unforgettable moment. Akmal hopes, through the hard work and synergy of all parties, this event will not only be a celebration but also strengthen the unity and unity of the nation. Full support from the public, government agencies, and the private sector is expected to ensure this celebration is a great success, giving pride to the entire Indonesian people. The spirit of unity and gotong royong is the key to the success of this celebration, bringing a message of meaningful independence and pride to the entire Indonesian people.

To ensure the success of the celebration, the entire element of the East Kalimantan community is expected to participate in organizing the event. The active participation of citizens, whether in the form of presence, moral support, or other contributions, is highly expected. This not only strengthens the national spirit but also shows the world that Indonesia, especially East Kalimantan, is ready to welcome the future as a new government center in IKN. Together, we realize the celebration of the 79th HUT Independence of RI that is vibrant, safe, and meaningful.

)* Social and Cultural Observatory

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