Three Priority Handling Of Disaster Impact Smoke Kalteng

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – The handling of smog that occurred in Central Kalimantan, must be done jointly between the Central Government and regions of the province.
Recently, the new Acting Governor of Central Kalimantan, Hadi Prabowo says there are three things that need to be done in addressing integrated conditions prone to prolonged smog impact.
“The three things that need to be done in the integrated related to the handling of the health, education and social,” said Hadi as quote in Antara kalteng Tuesday (27/10/2015).
It expects the cooperation between the Governments of the province with the district/city all-central kalimantan and synergise for tackling the problem of smog.
he continue, due to thick of smog capped of Central Kalimantan, and made limited visibility and public health became impaired
“Therefore, we expect the Governors and Mayor in central Kalimantan prepare houses of oxygen and place of study or treatment to cope with this problem,” said him (*)