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Village in Border Area Need Supporting Infrastructure

Border Area: A villages in outlying place either border area of Barito Timur need infrastructure developing.
Border Area: A villages in outlying place either border area of Barito Timur need infrastructure developing.

By: Choirul Fuadi *)

Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – Many villages in outlying place either border area of Barito Timur need infrastructure developing, it because the physic condition of villages’ facility is far of good or in left behind. So, infrastructure in border area becomes priority program to regional government.

Member of Regional House of People’s Representatives Barito Timur, Fristio said that development village becomes one of indicator of successful development. Based on him, synergy between village and city to together development need development infrastructure. “It can increase people economic from village and city prosperously,” said him like quote in Borneo News, Thursday (2/4).

He added, regional government of Barito timur need to provide supporting infrastructure such as road, education place, health place, sanitation and public area.

*) The Author Is Kalimantan Regional Contributor



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