Intoleration, Root of Nation Disintegration
CIDISS. Amid the hustle and bustle of hate speech to the practice of acute intolerance marred by violence, caring for the sense of peace becomes a necessity in itself that must be pursued.…
High Tolerance, Peaceful of Christmas
CIDISS. Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia gives extraordinary pride when the Christmas celebration is full of peace. This is the friendliness…
Pancasila is able to muffle the Nation’s Turmoil
CIDISS. Today era, the young generation will not be easy to meet its future. Many challenges must be faced by the next generation of the nation, one of which is to overcome the threat of…
The Importance of Education for Disaster and Emergency Disaster
CIDISS. Recently, various types of disasters have stopped in the country. Starting from the earthquake (Sukabumi), floods (Medan and Jogjakarta), banjir bandang (Pacitan and East Lombok),…
CIDISS. 本报雅加达电 记者田原报道:印尼国营PJB公司和阿联酋MASDAR公司日前达成协议,将在印尼西爪哇省齐腊达水库内联合建设发电量为200兆瓦的全球最大浮动光伏电站。
对日本投资印尼建火电站 ,当地居民要求停工
CIDISS. 据日本NHK电视台,印度尼西亚爪哇岛居民召开记者会,要求停止正在该地建设的煤炭发电站项目。
CIDISS. Joko Widodo总统正式启动了雅加达Gelora Bung Karno 2018年亚运会上完成的四个体育场馆。
总统在雅加达格罗拉·邦卡诺表示:“以上帝的名义,我正式开创了Gelora Bung Karno地区的曲棍球场,射箭场和ABC 场。
CIDISS. 若掌握印尼自由港公司51%股权能达成共识,印尼自由港公司的矿物冶炼厂将由国营矿业控股公司负责建设。
印尼亚沙汉铝业(Inalum)公司总经理布迪(Budi G Sadikin)日前在明古鲁说:“若撤资过程顺利进行而Inalum成为最大股东,矿物冶炼厂由公司负责建设。目前公司已考虑一些地区作为冶炼厂的建设地点。”…
Successal 2018 Election, Our Responsibility
CIDISS. The government elected direct elections as an effort to seek candidates for regional heads in an attempt to fulfill democratic orders. However, due to some considerations, direct…
Prevention Radicalism Must Start Early
CIDISS. Campus is often a commodity in the spread of radicalism. This may be because the campus is identical with young people who are aggressive and have a high curiosity and are looking…