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BIN Post Moves Fast Distribution of Aid for Earthquake Victims in Cianjur


Jakarta – The State Intelligence Agency moved quickly to set up an Assistance Post, shortly after the 5.6 magnitude earthquake occurred in Cianjur Regency. The post built on Jalan Labuan – Cianjur, Cijedil Village, Cugenang District, Cianjur Regency provides health services for people affected by the earthquake

In this regard, Deputy VII BIN, Prabawa Ajie, said that BIN had established an Assistance Post for the Cianjur earthquake victims shortly after the disaster occurred.

“BIN has set up an aid post for the community since last Monday (21/11) or some time after the earthquake occurred,” he said.

He added that the Assistance Post was BIN’s commitment to always be present with the community.

“The BIN Assistance Post is expected to be able to reduce the difficulties of the people who are currently hit by the disaster and represent the presence of the state at the disaster site,” said Prabawa.

Meanwhile, the Head of the West Java BINDA, Brigadier General Ruddy Prasemilsa Mahks, revealed that the establishment of the West Java BINDA Assistance Post in Cianjur was ordered by the Head of BIN, Jend. Pol (Purn) Budi Gunawan.

“There are three posts established. Among them is one refugee tent with a capacity of 60 people. This tent contains 57 refugees from Cijedil Village consisting of 20 men (adults), 24 women (adults), and 13 babies, “said Brigadier General Ruddy.

Then, continued the West Java Kabinda, two refugee tents with a capacity of 25 people. This tent is for health workers in order to provide health service assistance to the community.

“West Java BINDA brought the logistics of Humanitarian Assistance to the BIN Headquarters for earthquake victims in Cianjur Regency. As many as two trucks of logistical assistance from BIN Headquarters have arrived at the Command Post, and will continue to increase according to field needs,” explained Brigadier General Ruddy.

Logistics for Humanitarian Aid at BIN Headquarters for this initial delivery in the form of basic needs and snacks, including 200 Cards of Indomie (@fill 48 pcs), 200 Carton Pop Noodles (@fill 24 pcs), 400 Cartons of 330 ml Mineral Water (@fill 24 pcs) ), 230 cartons of 200 ml UHT milk (@24 pcs), 20 boxes of dry wipes (@12 pcs), 1 ton of rice, 100 cartons of 1 liter cooking oil (@12 pcs), 720 ready-to-eat sausages, 50 Carton Canned Sardines (@fill 50 pcs), 1,000 pcs Torn Bread, 600 Carton Assorted Biscuits (@fill 24 pcs), 20 pax diapers size M/L, 10 cartons Sanitary Napkins (@fill 12 pcs), 20 Carton Soap Mandi (@fill 60 pcs), and 3 Carton Energen (@fill 160 pcs).

Apart from providing logistical assistance and food ingredients, BIN also provided treatment to earthquake victims in Cianjur Regency. The Head of West Java BINDA hopes that the assistance distributed by BIN can help residents affected by the disaster.

“BIN in this case, expresses condolences to the victims who died, and as a form of solidarity, BIN through BINDA West Java provides humanitarian assistance in the form of daily necessities, and hopefully can ease the burden on the community,” concluded the Head of West Java BINDA .

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