By: Amanda Larasati *
President Joko Widodo's
first grandson, Jan Ethes, was dragged into the 2019 Presidential Election
polemic. Jan Ethes' involvement became a debate between Jokowi's…
By: Nana Karlina *
Ahead of the democratic party, of course
the TNI and Polri government apparatus need to be aware of any threats or
disturbances that can affect the stability of…
Author: Siti Aisyah * Volunteers supporting candidate number 01, Jokowi-Amin, were present from academics. Previously, Alumni from the University of Indonesia (UI) also gave their support…
Author: Ahmad Harris *
The first debate between the presidential and vice presidential candidates in welcoming the 2019 election was enough to attract the attention of a number of people.…
By: Dodik
Prasetyo) *
The media
seems to have never been separated from the spotlight on simultaneous elections
which will be held in 2019, both mainstream media and online media,…
By: Rizal Arifin
Prabowo who ran for re-election in the 2019 presidential election was a bad precedent considering the relevant track record in the previous presidential election. Not…
By: Ahmad Harris) *
The 2019 Presidential Election is getting closer and only leaves around four months left for both candidates, Prabowo Subianto and Joko Widodo. In the remaining time,…
By: Ilham Wandono *
From the beginning of its birth, the mosque has been acting as the center of the missionary activities of the Prophet Muhammad and the basis for organizing various…
by: Rahmat Wibowo *)
History certainly will not forget to record the figure of Amien Rais, known as the father of reform. Because he was a key figure who succeeded in overthrowing the…
by: Rahmat Indra Wibowo
In the upcoming of 2019 election campaign, Bawaslu warned the contestants of the presidential election to not carry out campaign activities of any kind in places…