by: Ananda Rasti
There can't be smoke if there's no fire. Likewise with the news circulating regarding the scandal of the Candidate for Vice-President (Vice-Chancellor) pair number 2,…
Multiple media today highlight the issue of Prabowo Subianto's closeness with the superpower of the United States which is suspected of having contributed to the nomination of…
Author: Angga Budi Pratama *
KH Ma'ruf Amin is widely known by the community as a charismatic cleric. Devotees who are obedient, tolerant, and when becoming the chair of the MUI…
by: Rachmad Gibran*
We are grateful that the Indonesian have young people who are creative and care about the future of their nation, even though they openly state their support to…
by : Teguh Wibowo*
A series of critics came bombarding Prabowo. This criticism is the reflection of Indonesian public opinion which accuses Prabowo of being potentially a militaristic and…
By: Fandi Ahmad*
Lately, there was highly trending in social media about the New Order which was about to be restarted if Prabowo Subianto was elected as a President of the 2019-2024.…
by : Muhammad Husni *)
Based on the results of the thinking that was born by the thinkers of the Frankfurt School which incidentally came from Marxism circles, revealed an interesting…
CIDISS. The term "dawn raid" is inherent in every election, whether it's the president, governor, mayor or regent. This strong action with money politics becomes the ultimate weapon of…
CIDISS. The Ministry of Home Affairs reminded the heads of district leaders to be careful in making regional mid-term development plans. This is because the budget planning of revenue and…
CIDISS. Election of regional head, or a democratic party for all Indonesian people. But not infrequently this party is only enjoyed by a handful of people alone, especially those who have…