By: Marcelina Sutopo *
Surya Paloh considered that candidate number 01 Joko Widodo was the best presidential candidate at the moment. That is one reason why the NasDem Party which it…
By: Randi Basuki *
The Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Human Rights (Menkopolhukam) Wiranto warned that all components of the nation maintain security and political stability…
By: Hasan Zebua) *
The Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Young Entrepreneurs Network Board of Trustees, Mukhaer Pakkana, admitted that economic issues were indeed quite sensitive when…
By: Angga Permana *
The declaration to pair number 01 revolves around ten thousand entrepreneurs who are members of the Pro Jokowi Employee Employee Group (KerJo). KerJo declared support…
By: Ernest Hadiwijaya) *
Indo Barometer shows the results that the difference between the two Presidential Candidate pairs is at 21 percent. Elektabilitas Joko Widodo - Ma'ruf Amin is…
By: Ilham Audi Kusuma *
The term 4.0 industrial revolution is an interesting discussion in this
digital era. The World Economic Forum, defines the industrial revolution 4.0 as
Author: Aisyah Amalia * Pancasila has a variety of functions and positions, among others, as the basis of the state, national outlook, state ideology, national spirit and personality.…
Muhammad Ismail *
Ahmad became one of the lucky vloggers to be able to vlog with President
Jokowi. A video titled "Secrets of Pak Jokowi" was uploaded by Raffi
on the RANS…
CIDISS - In accordance with the results of the Constitutional Court Decision of March 2013, simultaneous national legislative and executive elections should be held in 2019. Elections held…
Jakarta ( - Foreign investors have seen Indonesias economic growth positively, President Joko Widodo has stated.
"Even though the economic growth of India and China has been…