By: Abdul Razak )*
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has proven to have hit the financial sector hard. Nevertheless, the public appreciates the Government's breakthrough through the Omnibus…
By: Ade Istianah )*
The large number of overlapping regulations from the center to the regions has made the government design an omnibus law formulation which is expected to streamline…
By: Burhanudin Putra )*
The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted not only the health sector but also the economy, including Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The public also…
By: Edi Jatmiko )*
The Covid-19 pandemic seems to have had an impact on the ongoing financial turnover in various industries. Not a few entrepreneurs have pushed for the Job Creation…
By: Dodik
Prasetyo )*
government targets the Omnibus Law Cipta Karya Bill (Ciptaker) to patch the
potential for weakening economic growth due to the spread of the Corona Virus.
By: Erlangga
Pratama) *
The government
introduced a policy of economic transformation to solve the nation's various
challenges in the economic field. A number of pillars are designed to…
By: Gani Permata
Debate between the second presidential candidate between Joko Widodo and
Prabowo Subianto. With the theme of energy, infrastructure, food, natural
resources, and the…
By: Muhammad Iman)*
Residents of Jakarta are familiar or even already saturated with the traffic jam that occurred in Jakarta. Have you ever heard or even been in traffic jam? This kind of…
By: Fuad *)
Kalteng, CIDISS - Indonesia is one of the developing countries in the world. Indonesia has large number of citizen which spread on thousand islands.
Poverty level in…