Economy 狩猎防止偷税大赦避税 CIDISS Copywriter Apr 24, 2016 工作: Achmad Irfandi *) 雅加达,CIDISS - 的消息,在与巴拿马泄漏连接文件的出现仿佛在表明,很多有钱人在这个世界上谁逃避国家税收,这肯定不是从一些富裕印度尼西亚免疫。根据从税收正义网络(2010)的数据,有US $…
Economy Learning from Panama Papers CIDISS Copywriter Apr 21, 2016 By: Norman Triangga *) Jakarta, CIDISS - Unnoticed, the present situation is slowly but surely Indonesia heading suicide in the field of finance as a source of state funding. The main…