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5M Health Protocol Effectively Protects Children During On-Site School


By: AldiaPutra

The 5M Health Protocol (Prokes) effectively protects children during Face-to-face Learning (PTM). With this observance, the potential for transmission of the Corona virus in learning locations is expected to be reduced to a minimum.

During the pandemic, school students are told to study at home and shift learning via zoom, Google meet, or WA. This step was taken because children are more at risk of contracting Corona, so online learning is considered safer for them. Moreover, many are not yet 12 years old so they cannot be vaccinated against Corona.

However, since September 2021, students are allowed to study directly at school again. The reason is because there has been a decrease in Corona cases, from the initial 50,000 patients per day (in June-July 2021) to ‘only’ 4,000 patients per day. Moreover, the teachers have also been vaccinated so that they are declared safe. On the condition that the regions implementing PTM

However, PTM must be accompanied by 5M prokes to protect them from the new Corona cluster. Tri Wahyuningsih, Group Head Corporate of a cellular card company, stated that the 5M program must be carried out to protect children from the dangers of Corona while studying directly at school. Including in other public spaces, so you still have to wear masks etc.

Masks are the main point in the 5M process, because they can filter droplets from Corona sufferers, so they don’t directly enter the face area (especially the mouth and nose). Therefore, masks must be worn properly and neatly, so that there will be no infectious Covid-19 virus. Even masks are also required to have 2 layers, namely disposable masks and cloth masks, so that the filtration is stronger (90%).

Teachers are also required to wear masks, not just face shields. Moreover, they also open their mouths during teaching, so they are afraid that without a mask, the droplets will easily spread. Like when there is a teacher at a school who is careless, doesn’t wear a mask at school, then the whole school has to be swab tested to find out if he has Corona.

Prokes 5M is not just wearing masks, but also others. Hand washing is still mandatory and schools must provide a sink or faucet, plus antiseptic soap. Every time students enter, they must wash their hands. They are also advised to bring hand sanitizer to get used to having clean and germ-free hands.

When at the school gate, you also don’t have to be rude to the teacher for a while because you have to keep your distance. Instead, you can shake hands long distances like the anjali greeting (in Thailand), and in the pandemic season this method is understood as a form of politeness. Students are also not allowed to be in groups and teachers are required to supervise them to always keep their distance during recess.

To keep the distance, the class capacity is also limited, only 50% of the usual. Therefore, when PTM is still limited, aka only 50% who enter and the rest go online, while others go offline the next day. The hybrid method is carried out to be more effective in the learning system, while at the same time securing students from Corona.

Crowds should also be avoided, therefore the canteen was forced to be temporarily closed, because most students like to group together while eating together. They are required to bring lunch and eat it in class during recess, by keeping a distance. So it is more hygienic, healthy, and does not form a crowd.

The 5M process must be carried out to be safe from the danger of Corona, not only at home but also at school. The students were happy because they were finally able to learn and meet friends and teachers. However, they must comply with the prokes, so as not to form a new Corona cluster.

(The author is a contributor to the Pertiwi Institute)

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