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A Conducive Situation is Important to Maintain Post-Election Security Stability


General elections (Pemilu) are a crucial moment in every democratic country, where the people have the opportunity to determine political direction and leadership for the next few years. 

However, elections are often an event filled with tension and polarization, especially when entering the phase of counting votes and determining results. Therefore, maintaining a conducive situation after the elections is very important to maintain the stability and progress of the country in the future.

The 2024 election in Indonesia is in the public spotlight because it is considered an election full of challenges. Complex political issues, combined with the widespread use of social media as a means of disseminating information and opinions, further complicate the situation. 

After the election results were announced, the main challenge faced was how to manage tensions and differences of opinion peacefully, while still ensuring political stability and national security.

Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said that the election had taken place in accordance with the corridors of democracy, if there were parties who objected, there were channels provided through the corridors of law. Dispute hearings at the Constitutional Court need to be supervised so that parties who object to the election results do not resort to unconstitutional methods.

The importance of dialogue and communication between various parties cannot be ignored. The government, political parties and civil society need to come together to discuss sensitive issues and find joint solutions. By holding open and inclusive dialogue, tensions can be reduced and trust between parties increased.

Post-election security is very important. Strict application of the law against violations and provocative efforts is urgently needed to prevent riots or wider conflict. The police and other security forces need to act firmly but proportionally in dealing with potential security disturbances.

The National Police has assembled thousands of personnel from various security units to deal with potential security disturbances after the announcement of the 2024 election results. They are involved in Operation Mantap Brata 2024 whose main aim is to secure all stages of the election. The National Police also succeeded in identifying potential demonstrations related to election disputes and ensuring that the post-results announcement situation remained safe and conducive.

The role of mass media is also very significant in the context of globalization and technological development. Mass media has strong potential to shape people’s views and judgments. Therefore, the mass media must be responsible for presenting accurate and balanced information, and avoid reporting that is provocative or triggers conflict.

In facing the dynamics and complexity of the post-2024 election situation, active community participation is absolutely necessary. Community participation in supervising and monitoring and supporting efforts to promote peace and stability is very important. Active participation from the community will be a major force in maintaining a conducive situation after the election.

KH Embay Mulya Syarief, General Chair of the Mathla’ul Anwar Executive Board (PBMA), invited the entire community to maintain a conducive atmosphere after the announcement of the 2024 Election results by the General Election Commission (KPU). If there is dissatisfaction with the results of the recapitulation, it is necessary to follow the existing mechanism. 

However, society must maintain unity and integrity. People are expected to remain calm and not be affected by conflict because differences are inevitable. Therefore, mutual respect and obedience to the new leader and following mutually agreed rules is very important.

Apart from that, in the post-election context, it is important to strengthen the role of mediating institutions and dialogue facilitators, such as election monitoring institutions (LPP), national human rights commission (Komnas HAM), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to facilitate dialogue between various parties. By involving various elements of society, including religious leaders and community leaders, a broader and more inclusive agreement can be achieved.

Political education has a crucial role in building democratic awareness and respecting differences of opinion. The public needs to be given a better understanding of the importance of participation in democratic processes, respect for freedom of expression, and how to resolve conflicts peacefully. Effective political education can help reduce the tension and polarization that often occurs after elections.

Schools, educational institutions and mass media have an important role in educating the public about the principles of democracy and tolerance. Political education materials that are adapted to local contexts and based on human values ​​can help form a generation that is more open-minded and understands the importance of democratic life.

The challenges of political polarization, disinformation and potential conflict need to be addressed with concrete steps involving all relevant parties. Strengthening democratic institutions and an inclusive political culture are important first steps to maintain the country’s stability and progress.

A conducive situation after the 2024 elections is very important to maintain the country’s stability and progress. Through the cooperation and participation of all parties, we can ensure that differences of opinion can be resolved peacefully and democratically. Let us maintain the integrity of the nation and continue to uphold the values ​​of deep democracy every step we take.

In the midst of post-election dynamics and complexity, let us together play a role in maintaining peace and stability. Active participation from the community, strengthening dialogue between various parties, as well as fair and transparent law enforcement will be the key to creating a better future for Indonesia. By respecting differences and building awareness of the importance of democracy, we can move forward as a dignified and prosperous nation.

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