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Optimizing Law Enforcement for OPM is Absolutely Necessary


The actions of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) gang have become an obstacle to national development in Bumi Cenderawasih. In recent times, a series of violence carried out by the OPM has further increased tensions in the region. In the midst of this increasingly critical situation, efforts to optimize law enforcement against OPM are an absolute necessity.

OPM has become a source of conflict in Papua and continues to spread terror in society. On April 11 2024, a terrible incident occurred in the Pasir Putih area, Aradide District, Paniai Regency, Central Papua. A Danramil, Lieutenant Inf Oktovianus Sogarlay, became the victim of a heinous act carried out by the OPM. Not only was he shot, Lt. Inf Oktovianus Sogarlay was also slashed with a machete by OPM members. This incident is an illustration of the violence that OPM has long carried out.

The TNI, through Kapendam XVII/Cenderawasih Lieutenant Colonel InfCandra Kurniawan, strongly condemned the heinous actions carried out by the OPM. They stated that this action not only violated humanitarian norms, but was also far from human rights values ​​that must be upheld. The brutal action that claimed the life of a TNI member is clear evidence that the Papuan OPM does not hesitate to violate human rights to achieve their goals.

However, law enforcement against OPM Papua is not as easy as turning the palm of your hand. The situation in Papua is increasingly complicated by indications that the Papuan OPM has adopted modern war strategies and tactics. According to Intelligence, Defense and Security Observer, Ngasiman Djoyonegoro, OPMPapua not only uses war weapons, but also has strategy, intelligence and even war infrastructure. They have been able to develop a measurable strategy and attack the country’s defense institutions directly and specifically

This shows that law enforcement against OPMPapua requires a more complex and coordinated approach. Not only through military operations, but also through prevention, education and development efforts aimed at addressing the root causes of the conflict in Papua. Optimizing law enforcement must be carried out proportionally, without ignoring human rights principles which must also be upheld.

Apart from that, Aburizal Bakrie, as a senior politician and Chair of the Golkar Party Advisory Board, has firmly expressed his support for the efforts of the TNI and Polri to crack down firmly on the Papuan OPM separatist group. For him, every act of rebellion against the Republic of Indonesia and disobedience to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) must be handled firmly without compromise. This view gives a strong signal that there is no place for acts of separatism within a unitary state based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

The recent violent incidents that have occurred in Papua show that the situation has reached a point that cannot be tolerated any longer. TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto’s move to change the name of the Papuan Armed Criminal Group (KKB) to OPM is a step recognized by Aburizal Bakrie as the right step. The mention of OPM as a form of separatist movement which is a threat to the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, underlines the importance of dealing with this group seriously and without hesitation.

The support of politicians such as Aburizal Bakrie is not just rhetoric, but also highlights the importance of cross-sectoral cooperation in dealing with the conflict in Papua. He emphasized that apart from acting decisively, TNI/Polri officers must also remain focused on a welfare approach to help accelerate the development and welfare of the Papuan people. This approach not only emphasizes law enforcement aspects, but also pays attention to development and welfare aspects as part of a long-term solution.

It is hoped that the welfare approach carried out simultaneously with decisive action can bring the security and public order (kamtibmas) situation in Papua more conducive. With conducive conditions, people can carry out their activities calmly and productively, which in turn will contribute to increasing regional prosperity and stability

Thus, political support from various parties, including senior politicians such as Aburizal Bakrie, for law enforcement efforts against OPM Papua is an important step in maintaining the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia and creating peace and prosperity for the Papuan people.

Furthermore, there needs to be cooperation between the central government, regional governments, security forces and local communities in handling the conflict in Papua. Infrastructure development, increasing access to education and health services, and economic empowerment of local communities can be concrete steps in reducing tensions in Papua.

No less important are diplomacy and dialogue efforts between the government and separatist groups to find a peaceful solution to the ongoing conflict. Awareness of the importance of dialogue and reconciliation is the key to ending the cycle of violence and building sustainable peace in Papua.

Thus, optimizing law enforcement against OPM Papua is not just about pursuing criminals, but also embracing all elements of Papuan society in an effort to create peace and justice. Law enforcement based on the values ​​of human rights, justice and humanity is a strong foundation in building a peaceful and prosperous Papua for all its citizens.

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