All Elements of Society Unite to Maintain Conduciveness After the 2024 Election

Conduciveness after the 2024 Election celebrations is a very important foundation for a democratic country like Indonesia. This conduciveness creates a safe and stable environment for the vote counting process, as well as ensuring that the results of the election series truly reflect the will of the people.
The massive protest action over the election results, especially the Presidential Election, to the discourse of submitting the right of inquiry to the DPR RI by the two presidential-vice presidential candidate pairs (paslon) serial numbers 01 and 03 received a number of responses from various elements of society. One of them is the Chair of the Indonesian Youth Caucus (KMI), Edi Homaidi, who stated that post-2024 election conduciveness is very important to prevent social conflict that could disrupt national stability. Moreover, in an era full of differences and potential conflicts that often arise due to differences in choices.
According to him, a conducive atmosphere after the 2024 elections is very necessary to prevent political instability, which will ultimately result in a decline in our national economy. So, he continued, the loser should act calmly. Meanwhile, if there is dissatisfaction with the results of the general election or presidential election, there are mechanisms that can be taken, for example through the General Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) or filing a lawsuit through the Constitutional Court or MK. So don’t feel dissatisfied with the election results and just post it on social media.
The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam), Hadi Tjahjanto stated that he would coordinate with the relevant ministries/institutions (K/L) to maintain the political and security situation in the country remaining conducive. The TNI and Polri are at the forefront of maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia and all components of the nation are involved in maintaining a conducive situation.
The 2023-2024 Mantap Brata Rinjani Community Binmas Sub-task Force for Central Lombok Police is intensively carrying out dialogue patrols to urge the public to maintain security and social order after the 2024 general election (Pemilu) in the Central Lombok Regency area. Head of the Binmas Sub-Task Force, IPTU, Nyoman Juliawan, said that this activity aims to provide an appeal to the public to maintain social security and order after the election and has now entered the plenary stage at the PPK level.
He hopes that differences in political views will not cause divisions among the people of Central Lombok Regency. The public and sympathizers are advised not to be instigated by negative news and hoaxes about the results of the 2024 elections. He also emphasized that there may be different choices, but unity and unity is the main thing, keep the security and social security situation safe and peaceful in Central Lombok Regency.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the Samarinda DPRD, Samri Shaputra, appealed to the public and all parties to accept the results of the 2024 elections in order to maintain conduciveness in the Tepian City. Even though the voting stage has been completed, there are a number of parties who expressed their dissatisfaction with the results which were allegedly full of controversy.
His party responded to the alleged fraud by emphasizing the importance of the Constitutional Court’s role in resolving the problem. Samri said that fraud from various parties had complicated the situation, creating confusion regarding truth and error. Therefore, it is important to maintain peace and stability in society after the election. We all hope that this process will run peacefully without any conflict.
Various elements of society also reject any form that disrupts the conducive atmosphere after the 2024 General Election. The person in charge of the Depok City Peace Love Community Alliance (AMCD), Kasno, said that we reject all forms and attitudes and behavior from certain individuals who are suspected of carrying out intervention and intimidation. on the performance of the Depok City KPU.
This seriously disturbs the security, comfort and orderliness of the 2024 Election organizing stages. Therefore, all participants in the 2024 Election, without exception, together, are obliged to appreciate and respect the results of the 2024 Election, in accordance with the laws and provisions stipulated applies in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
As a form of society that obeys and submits to all applicable regulations and democracy, if there are parties who find indications and evidence of fraud in the 2024 Election, then they must jointly collect evidence of fraud and report it to the institutions related especially to Bawaslu, Gakumdu and the Constitutional Court.
Not the opposite, he continued, instead taking actions that could disrupt the security, comfort and orderly performance of the KPU, especially the Depok City KPUD. Therefore, all members of society should not be easily provoked, let alone instigated by the emergence of hoax news. In particular, those related to the holding of the 2024 General Election to the counting of votes at the KPU.
To create conduciveness, security forces continue to patrol and carry out surveillance in a number of areas, actively coordinating with community leaders and other stakeholders to maintain the situation so that it remains stable after the election. As children of the nation and good statesmen, whoever is elected as a leader and representative of the people as a result of the 2024 elections, they are actually one of the best sons and daughters as assets of this great nation. Therefore, let us work together to maintain unity, integrity and harmony for the nation and country that we love.