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AMANAH Building Inaugurated to Encourage Public Participation and Youth Innovation

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By: Maulana Malik )*

The inauguration of the Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul Hebat (AMANAH) Building is an important pillar in efforts to empower communities and youth in Aceh. This modern building is designed to encourage public involvement and become a place for the birth of innovation from the younger generation. Located in a strategic location, the AMANAH Building not only functions as a center for community activities, but also a symbol of collaboration and the spirit of innovation initiated by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), as part of a national strategy to create a participatory space that supports the development of local potential and strengthening human resources in Aceh.

AMANAH Building is one concrete form of BIN’s efforts to support more comprehensive and sustainable development in Indonesia. By understanding that youth are agents of change, BIN through AMANAH Building wants to provide a space that allows for the exchange of ideas, cross-sector collaboration, and innovation in various fields. The construction of this building aims to answer the community’s need for facilities that can be a center for public activities, education, and capacity building.

The Head of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Al Muslim University of Bireuen Regency, Agus Maulana, explained that the AMANAH Building is not only a physical symbol, but also evidence of the implementation of the Government’s long-term vision through BIN to encourage community and youth involvement in national development. AMANAH seeks to ensure that Indonesian youth, including those in Aceh, have greater access to opportunities and resources that can develop their potential in various sectors.

In addition to being a center for youth innovation, the AMANAH Building is expected to function as a center for public participation. In this building, the public can participate in various activities that encourage direct interaction with the government, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. This facility is designed to allow for public discussions, policy seminars, and workshops that will be held regularly to strengthen public involvement in decision-making, both at the local and national levels.

The AMANAH building is also designed as an innovation incubator for Acehnese youth. Youth are considered agents of change who have great potential in advancing technology, entrepreneurship, and social innovation. The facility includes a coworking space, digital lab, and training area that can be used by young people to hone their skills in various fields.

In addition, AMANAH, as one of the active youth organizations in Aceh, has utilized this building to run various youth empowerment programs. One example is the electric vehicle conversion certification training program that was recently held at the AMANAH Building Technology Workshop in Ladong, Aceh Besar. This program was held in response to the increasing global trend of electric vehicle use, including in Indonesia. In this training, 17 participants who are members of AMANAH successfully converted seven motorbikes into electric vehicles with the help of Braja Elektrik Motor, a company experienced in the field of electric vehicle conversion.

Hamam Prasetyo, one of the training participants, said that the program organized by AMANAH was very helpful in developing technical skills. This training is very useful in expanding the knowledge of the younger generation about electric vehicle technology. Now, with the certification they have, the younger generation can convert more motorbikes and help spread this environmentally friendly technology in Aceh.

Along with the increasing awareness of the importance of environmentally friendly technology, AMANAH plays an active role in supporting the development of green technology in Aceh. One concrete step is to hold electric vehicle conversion training which is expected to advance the use of renewable energy in this region. CEO of PT. Braja Elektrik Motor, Yoga Uta Nugraha, appreciated AMANAH’s efforts in creating an ecosystem that supports the development of environmentally friendly technology. The facilities and ecosystem provided by AMANAH are very good. This is a very strong foundation for developing electric vehicle technology in Aceh. With the synergy between various parties, AMANAH is ready to be a pioneer in the application of green technology.

The construction of the AMANAH Building is the result of collaboration between various parties, including BIN, local governments, the private sector, and civil society organizations. This synergy shows that cross-sector collaboration is key to creating significant and sustainable change in society. This building is expected to become a center of activities that prioritize renewal, with programs that can be accessed by various levels of society. This facility is also designed to support local economic empowerment, through entrepreneurship training, technology programs, and community-based activities.

The presence of the AMANAH Building in Aceh, initiated by BIN, marks an important step in efforts to empower communities and youth in the region. This building is expected to become a center for public participation, technological innovation, and youth empowerment that will have a broad impact on the people of Aceh. With a focus on seven leading sectors and synergy with other initiatives such as PYCH, AMANAH has great potential to strengthen regional resilience, improve community welfare, and encourage the development of sustainable environmentally friendly technologies.

)* Engineering Student of Syiah Kuala University

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