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AMN Development Continues to Produce Quality Human Resources


 By: Januar Dominicus )*

The development of the Manado Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN) continues to make very positive progress for the good of the nation and state. The reason is, this building will become a center for facilities for the young generation to continue to develop.

To date, the progress of accelerating the construction of the Manado Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN) which the State Intelligence Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BIN RI) has been intensifying continues to experience positive progress.

The positive progress in the development of AMN Manado is certainly very encouraging and many parties are looking forward to it. Because once the building is fully erected, it will be one of BIN’s major contributions to the nation’s progress.

Regarding how the construction of the Nusantara Student Dormitory in Manado continues to make positive progress, the Head of Sub Directorate (Kasubdit) Region III of the Strategic Infrastructure Directorate of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Endra Bekti explained that the AMN construction continues to be in progress.

Not only is it continuing to experience a positive process, but the Government through the Ministry of PUPR together with contractors is currently continuing to accelerate development, especially in the Block A area or the Boys’ Dormitory Building.

The existence of the Nusantara Student Dormitory itself is very important and is able to make a lot of contributions, especially in improving the quality of education in Indonesia.

Therefore, it is not surprising why the institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan really pays attention to the existence of AMN Manado because the world of education is also important, which is one of the tools for the development of the nation’s children and also the best life for them.

It is fitting that all parties fully support the progress of the education sector in Indonesia through the provision of various adequate facilities. One of them is by building a residence based on developing the character of the nation’s children, namely AMN Manado.

According to the Head of the North Sulawesi Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW Sulut), Ir. Nurdiana Habibie said that the construction of the Nusantara Student Dormitory in Manado is a form of follow-up to the directive of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi), as the basis for Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 106 of 2021.

As for the scope itself, the construction of AMN Manado consists of a land area of ​​20 thousand with a building area of ​​1595. The scope of work itself consists of a men’s dormitory tower, a women’s dormitory tower, meeting hall, multi-purpose room, sports field, garden, road access and parking area.

The design of the building complies with state building technical standards, as mandated by Government Regulation (PP) Number 16 of 2021 concerning implementing regulations for Law (UU) Number 28 of 2002 concerning buildings.

Of course, BIN provides all these magnificent facilities only in the interests of the nation and state, namely to further support the quality of the education sector in the country. So, with improvements in the world of education, it is not impossible that the nation’s next generation will also emerge as quality children with high competitiveness.

AMN Manado has had a very positive impact on the nation and state, according to the Director of Strategic Infrastructure, Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of PUPR, Ir. Essy Asiah said that the purpose of building the building was indeed as a forum to unite students from various ethnicities, languages, cultures, religions who also came from various regions in Indonesia and various universities.

The government is trying to unite the nation’s young people with the aim or in order to prepare human resources (HR) that are quality, have integrity and also have a strong national character.

Different from other buildings, the Nusantara d Manado Student Dormitory has a green building concept. Because all buildings refer to this concept, their operation and maintenance will be better.

Very high appreciation should accompany all levels and parties who have attempted and realized the AMN Manado development project, even to the point it is today.

If all cross-sectoral elements are able to work together, such as the Central Government, the local Regional Government (Pemda) and also all local stakeholders, it will become a solid foundation for the success of building construction, which will also correlate with the development of the younger generation for the nation. .

There will be a lot of education and guidance for the young generation through AMN Manado, because various related institutions and ministries will take part in managing it, including the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

So far, the development of AMN Manado development continues to experience and make positive progress. Thus, it is not impossible that improving the quality of the nation’s young generation will soon be carried out optimally because of the existence of this building, which aims for the country’s progress.

)* )* The author is a Digital Literacy contributor

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