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AMN Manado Helps Students Throughout Indonesia Access Affordable and Quality Higher Education


The Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) Manado can help students from all over Indonesia and various remote areas in the country to be able to access higher education at a very affordable and high quality.

Having access to education up to tertiary institutions usually leaves several obstacles, one of which is the costs which may be too expensive for all people in Indonesia. Therefore, having access to higher education that is very affordable but still of good quality is a real solution to facing problems in this sector in the country.

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) through the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) then initiated the construction of the Manado Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN) as a form of answer to a concrete solution to the problem of affordability of higher education for all students, even from various corners of this country.






The construction of AMN in Manado is a concrete step from the government in realizing a strong commitment to continue building quality human resources (HR).

Through these facilities, students from various regions in Indonesia without exception, even those from remote corners of the archipelago can access higher education at a much more affordable and high quality level.

Not only that, but the existence of the Manado Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN) also helps create an inclusive learning environment for the young generation and at the same time promotes cultural diversity, where Indonesia comes from communities with different backgrounds.

Since ancient times, even before experiencing independence, all people in the country have had different backgrounds, such as various tribes, customs, cultures, languages, and so on. However, with a strong spirit of unity and unity, this nation was able to achieve independence and expel the invaders.

Therefore, efforts to continue to promote the diversity of society are very important, especially this should be able to continue to be imprinted in the minds of the next generation of young people who will succeed the nation so that the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which was the principle of the founding fathers of the previous nation, does not fade with time. .

In this way, AMN Manado is also able to bring about harmonization of the lives of young people who are free from the threat of the roots of the spread of radicalism and intolerance.

The reason is, if the notion of radicalism and intolerance continues to exist in Indonesia, of course this nation will be destroyed because the unity and unity that was the starting point for the founding of this country is no longer strong.

Apart from that, if radicalism can be completely eradicated from the country, then this will have a very good impact on the future of the country, because it will produce many young people who are much more competent.

When the nation’s next generation of young people are educated to become highly competent individuals, it is not impossible that Indonesia will have highly qualified future leaders of the nation as well.

So that the vision to welcome a Golden Indonesia in 2045 will not just be a slogan, but will actually be able to be realized in reality thanks to the active participation of the youth.

Therefore, the Governor of North Sulawesi Province (Sulut) Prof. Dr. (HC) Olly Dondokambey through North Sulawesi Provincial Secretary (Sekprov) Steve Kepel said that true education is not just the responsibility of one party, or the government alone.

However, education in Indonesia is the responsibility of all parties, including the private sector. Therefore, with the existence of AMN Manadi, it is not just a place to live but also a social, intellectual and entrepreneurial laboratory at the same time.

In building the Nusantara Student Dormitory in Manado, the main aim is not only to be able to produce students who are intelligent in the academic world, but also to become a milestone for success in the educational journey in the North Sulawesi Province (Sulut).

Meanwhile, the Director of Strategic Infrastructure, Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Ir. Essy Asiah said that the existence of AMN Manado was able to become a forum for uniting students from various ethnicities, languages, cultures, religions from various regions in Indonesia and also various universities.

The building, which is a direct directive from the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), is also intended to prepare quality human resources (HR), with integrity and strong national character.

Therefore, the existence of AMN Manado itself is very helpful for students from all regions in Indonesia to be able to access and experience how higher education is affordable and still of high quality.

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