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Appreciating 10 Years of Jokowi’s Government, Experts Invite the Public to Make the Sustainability and Transition Program a Success


Jakarta – UI Economic Observer, Athor Subroto expressed his great appreciation for President Jokowi’s performance over the past ten years. According to him, Indonesia’s economic growth can remain at level 5 during President Jokowi’s term despite the dynamics of geopolitics and the world economy which are currently under intense pressure. This is an extraordinary economic resilience.

“The existence of economic growth at level 5 is an extraordinary economic resilience from President Jokowi until now. If we look at the stock market indicators, how are they developing now, which continues to approach the psychological level of almost 8,000,” said Athor Subroto.

Athor added that President Jokowi could continue to increase national economic growth compared to other countries because he has a strong foundation such as the downstreaming program carried out by the Government to maintain economic stability.

“In the midst of the many disruptions of the global supply chain, Indonesia can still survive and grow compared to other countries, even developed countries such as Europe. This is because Indonesia has a foundation whose multiplier effect can maintain the economic process that occurs within so that the multiplier is getting bigger. That way, it is not impossible that economic growth can reach 8 percent in the Prabowo era,” he added.

Meanwhile, Political Observer, Faisyal Chaniago said that Prabowo Subianto can certainly continue the economic growth from the era of President Jokowi. Likewise with the downstream program because it will be the biggest income for Indonesia.

“The highly fluctuating global geopolitics were able to be passed well by Indonesia under the leadership of President Jokowi. This economic growth can certainly be continued by the Prabowo government. The next government must carry out downstreaming because this will be the biggest income later,” said Faisyal.

In addition, President Jokowi continues to strive to increase people’s purchasing power so that there is no decline in the middle class.

“How to increase people’s purchasing power, so far President Jokowi has continued to maintain that. Don’t let there be a decline in the middle class because that will shake the country,” he said.

According to him, during this transition period it is very important for all people to avoid overlapping policies so that all programs can run well during the Prabowo administration.

“Programs that are already running, for example, toll infrastructure, should not stop because development is not enough for just 10 years. Therefore, it must be continuous and it requires a smooth transition so that cooperation and synergy are needed,” said Faisyal.

“The criteria for selecting Prabowo’s cabinet also prioritizes integrity so that the Development program can run sustainably,” he added.

Faisyal also asked the entire community to support and appreciate the policies that have been implemented by Jokowi and support the Prabowo-Gibran government transition, because the long-term effects will be felt by all Indonesian citizens.

“The transition guarantee will make all Indonesian people continue to progress, never thinking of going backwards again because this is a path that we must take to progress and catch up,” he concluded.

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