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Appreciating Indonesia’s 79th Independence Day Free from Terrorism



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Appreciating Indonesia’s 79th Independence Day Free from Terrorism

 lsisi team Send an email1 day ago 

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By: Chandra Budi Setyo

The celebration of the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), or on August 17 2024, is a very meaningful momentum to commemorate the birth of the nation and the Motherland.

In fact, this year, there is something special from the government, namely the celebration of the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in two different places, namely in the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago with the leadership of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) directly, then the celebration at the State Palace with the Vice President (Wapres) KH Ma’ruf Amin presiding.

The government is really serious about carrying out this event because of the importance of celebrating the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia for this nation, so that it can be free from the dangers and threats of terrorism. Therefore, this seriousness deserves very high appreciation.

The Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque, Nasarudin Umar, said that it is fitting that the 79th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence should become a momentum to further strengthen national resilience so that all elements are able to overcome the latent dangers in the form of radical ideas and also very threatening acts of terrorism.

Because these two things are very dangerous, even like a virus that can continue to spread and infect anyone, the government really ensures that all levels of security forces always maintain national preparedness in the momentum of 17 August.

Apart from that, it is also important for the entire young generation of the nation to have a sense and attitude of defending the country within themselves to ensure the nation’s strong resilience. In fulfilling independence, society should be able to work together in overcoming latent dangers in the form of radicalism and terrorism so that they no longer hit Indonesia.

The role of the community is also important in efforts to combat these latent dangers, as well as good coordination or synergy and cooperation with the government and the ranks of the security forces to fight together or ward off all forms of terrorism, violence and the like.

If all elements can work together well, it is not impossible that this nation will become much more peaceful and serene. Moreover, because the Indonesian nation is a very plural region, all parties should be able to build unity and oneness, rather than emphasizing aspects of differences and conflict.

So far, the government and all levels of security forces have continued to strive to ward off all forms of terrorism. Later, the Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Anti-terror Team (AT) of the Indonesian National Police (Polri) succeeded in arresting a suspected terrorist with the initials HOK on Jalan Langsep, Sisir Village, Batu District, Malang, East Java on July 31 2024.

Regarding the success of the arrest, Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin then expressed his high appreciation because this was again clear evidence of the government’s many successful steps in thwarting acts of terrorism.

In the era of President Jokowi’s leadership, the government and security forces’ efforts to ward off and combat all forms of terrorist threats have increasingly shown brilliant performance and often succeeded in arresting the suspected perpetrators before the explosion occurred.

The success of arresting suspected terrorists even before the explosion occurred means that the government and the security forces were able to carry out excellent anticipatory steps so that no casualties occurred.

Furthermore, it turns out that since the current era of President Jokowi’s leadership, acts of terrorism in the country in recent years have been very rare. This is not without reason, because it is all thanks to the prevention efforts that the government and the security forces have carried out very effectively.

The community continues to provide support and hopes that success in the era of President Jokowi’s leadership in reducing various latent threats and dangers that threaten the stability and security of the country, such as radicalism and terrorism, can continue. The act of terrorism itself is an act that is so unlawful that it needs to be eradicated.

Head of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT), Commissioner General of Police (Komjen Pol) Prof. Dr. Mohammed Rycko Amelza Dahniel invites all parties to continue fighting various forms of propaganda and provocation which lead to acts of terrorism which clearly threaten the security and peace of the nation.

In the hands of all elements of the nation together, national resilience can be realized and security stability will be maintained. Moreover, the true crime of terrorism itself is something that is different in form from other crimes, because it is an ideology that attacks beliefs. For this reason, all elements must continue to maintain synergy and good coordination to jointly ward off terrorism so that it does not continue to spread in the country.

All parties have an equally important role in seeking a peaceful and peaceful nation, free or free from all forms of threats of terrorism. So far, the government has done this very optimally, in the era of President Jokowi’s leadership which was marked by how alert the security forces were to anticipate acts of terror even before they carried out the action, including during the celebration and momentum of the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia which was free from latent dangers. the.

*) Political Observer at the Indomedia Gala Institute

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