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Appreciating the Security Force’s Firm Action against OPM Serious Human Rights Violators


By: Olivia Sabo )*

The security forces continue to be strongly committed and show their seriousness in taking concrete action to take very firm action against the Free Papua Organization (OPM) because they are a group of serious human rights violators.

How could it not be, there have been many very real cruel and barbaric acts from the OPM which reflect that they are a group of serious human rights violators because it is very easy to take someone’s life.

Therefore, the very firm action of the security forces to secure all members of the Free Papua Organization who have continued to commit serious human rights violations deserves very high appreciation.

Most recently, OPM shot security officers, namely Chief Sergeant (Serka) Jefri Efradus May who died in the field after being shot in Puncak Jaya Regency, Central Papua.

The Indonesian National Army (TNI) soldier at Military District Command (Kodim) 1714/Puncak Jaya was shot while he was carrying out closed security duties for the Chair of the Central Papua Province General Election Commission (KPU), Jennifer Darling Tabuni while attending the launch of the Regional Head Election stages (Pilkada) 2024 at Sprot Center Kota Baru, Pagaleme District.

The shooting incident at security forces was carried out by OPM in a series of attempts to thwart the celebration of the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) in the Papua Mountains region.

Not only that, the cruel and barbaric acts carried out by the separatist gangs of the country’s enemies have also disrupted the smooth implementation of preparations for the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections.

Previously, OPM also shot a helicopter pilot from New Zealand from PT Intan Angkasa Air Service named Glen Malcolm Conning who was carrying several health workers (nakes) as passengers to ensure that the function of public services, especially in the health sector, could be carried out optimally in Papua.

The Chief of General Staff of the Indonesian National Army (Kasum TNI), Lieutenant General Richard TH Tampubolon strongly criticized and assessed that the action of the Free Papua Organization which carried out the murder was an act that clearly violated human rights (HAM).

This action was clearly very barbaric, cruel and inhumane. Moreover, so far the existence of the OPM itself has caused a lot of fear in society. Terrorist groups also often carry out propaganda and provocation by distorting the facts.

So far, OPM has often carried out a series of acts of security disturbance, including torture and murder, even against completely innocent civilians. Therefore, the presence of security forces in the Land of Papua in accordance with President Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi) instructions aims to provide security support and assist the local regional government (Pemda) in providing basic needs for its citizens.

In the same vein, the Chair of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM), Atnike Nova Sigiro also strongly criticized the OPM for frequently carrying out acts of murder and attacking civilians, further harming the government’s efforts to achieve peace on Cenderawasih Earth.

Therefore, full support and high appreciation continues to flow to all levels of the security apparatus to carry out very strict law enforcement against terrorist gangs which often kill people and cause casualties.

The General Chairperson (Ketum) of the Papuan Archipelago Youth Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PPNP RI), Jack J. Puraro gave very high appreciation to the joint security forces, TNI, Polri and BIN who have been continuously working with strong commitment and concrete steps in maintaining a conducive situation. on the Earth of Cenderawasih.

The law enforcement efforts against OPM that the security forces have carried out so far have also gone very well. So it is fitting that all elements of society continue to be able to fully support the seriousness of the government and officials in creating a peaceful, safe and orderly atmosphere in Papua.

It is very important for all parties to be united and not let the people in Papua themselves become involved in groups that disturb the peace.

Good cooperation or synergy between the community and all levels of security forces is an important key to early detection of a crime so that it does not spread further and is able to identify other things that violate the rules in order to maintain peace and conduciveness.

Increasing good cooperation between security forces and elements of society will be able to create a safe and peaceful environment for all citizens. Namely in order to completely wipe out the Free Papua Organization (OPM) gang which has committed serious human rights violations. Therefore, the security forces’ firm action brought a lot of support and appreciation.

)* Law student at Yapis University, Papua

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