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Appreciation of Security Forces Guarantee Conduciveness in the Development of IKN


Jakarta – Very high appreciation should be given to all levels of the security apparatus for being able to guarantee security and also the conduciveness of society to the success of the development of the National Archipelago’s IKN.

The process of building the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago continues. The latest news is that progress has now reached the stage of building the Presidential Palace area. The palace area is planned to occupy an area of ​​50 hectares (ha).

In this regard, the Head of the IKN Infrastructure Development Implementation Task Force, Danis Sumadilaga stated that the progress of development had indeed begun. It is known that the project for the development of the State Palace area itself was contracted for the last 2 to 3 months.

Then he added that the current development progress is around 6 to 7 percent. In terms of the work itself, according to him, it is currently at the stage of finalizing the elevation (elevation) to the preparation of the bore pile foundation, including conducting soil evaluation.

Danis Sumadilaga added that indeed the construction of the Presidential Palace area at IKN is now being accelerated. He then hoped that next year’s Independence Ceremony could be held at IKN, namely on August 17, 2024.

For information, previously, the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono himself had visited the location of the Presidential Palace at IKN Nusantara. He said that development was already in progress.

Regarding the entire process and progress of the construction of the IKN, which is now prioritized to accelerate the construction of the Presidential Palace first, the Sector Police (Polsek) of the Penajam Paser Utara Police (PPU) for the jurisdiction of Waru District also supports the development of the Nusantara IKN.

The Head of the PPU Police, AKBP Hdnerik Eka Bahalwan explained that his support for the development of the National Archipelago National Park also became a momentum from his staff to be able to ensure more about security and public order (kamtibmas).

Indeed, the certainty regarding community security and order, especially that around the North Penajam Paser area must be in a stable condition, is one of the requirements for the implementation of the national development process. Therefore, the PPU Police Chief emphasized that his party ensured the Kamtibmas situation so that conditions could be maintained and conducive and safe.

The security forces have used several methods, one of which is by visiting and conducting dialogue with the community in the area. Not only that, but the PPU Police Headquarters led directly by AKBP Hendrik Eka Bahalwan instructed all staff at the regional sector level to provide education to the public in maintaining social order.

He then explained that the purpose of holding sambang activities and dialogue with the community was indeed to be able to better ascertain how the progress of development at IKN Nusantara was so that it could run smoothly and also be conducive.

On the other hand, the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Joko Widodo himself has repeatedly ordered the Indonesian National Police (Polri) to be able to continue to oversee the development of the Archipelago’s National Capital (IKN) in East Kalimantan (East Kalimantan).

With the direct order from President Jokowi to all members of the National Police, especially regarding efforts to be able to deal with the potential for the emergence of obstacles to security that occur in the IKN area, the National Police under the command of the Indonesian National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, took various steps.

Not only dialogue and visits to the community, but the National Police also directly involve indigenous peoples, especially those who are members of the National Dayak Traditional Council (MADN) to be more committed together with the National Police and support development and can also realize IKN as Mother Archipelago City.

Regarding the decision of the National Police Chief to directly engage local communities or indigenous peoples to participate in supporting IKN, according to Lecturer in International Relations at Mulawarman University, Dadang IK Mujiono, this decision was very appropriate.

Dadang IK Mujiono then also appealed to all indigenous peoples to really be able to support the National Police by creating a safe and conducive situation so that the success of the development of the National Archipelago’s IKN can be created. According to him, several ways can be done, one of which is by increasing the role of indigenous peoples in providing information on Kamtibmas in the local area to law enforcement officials. For the sake of creating success in the development of the Archipelago’s IKN, all the efforts that have been made by the security forces, including the National Police, really need to be highly appreciated. This is because they continue to guarantee the creation of conducive conditions in society because that is a requirement for smooth national development.

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