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Appreciation of the Government’s Policy to Block Radical Sites Ahead of the Election


As the 2024 election approaches, hoax content, even containing radicalism, is increasingly rampant. Many fake accounts spread information that does not match the facts. There are even accounts that deliberately spread terrorist radicalism. In addition, at the same time as the war between Palestine and Israel emerged, content smacking of radicalism continued to be echoed by irresponsible parties.

Since the beginning of July 2023 until today, Kominfo has found hundreds of accounts and indoctrination content that spread radicalism. Access to internet content indicated to contain indoctrination activities and the spread of radicalism has been cut off in the last month.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi said he had taken down or blocked hundreds of sites that contained elements of radicalism and terrorism in accordance with a request from TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono. This was carried out in accordance with President Joko Widodo’s direction to create a peaceful and prosperous 2024 election.

Budi emphasized that he would not be selective in immediately blocking sites that have the potential to divide the nation, especially ahead of the upcoming 2024 elections. All sites that can divide national unity will definitely be disabled immediately. According to Budi, the founders of the Indonesian nation had struggled to gain independence, so all elements that would divide unity would be destroyed.

The Minister of Communication and Information has collaborated with the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the National Terrorism Handling Agency (BNPT) to continue monitoring digital platforms that contain radicalism and terrorism content. The results of joint monitoring by the TNI and BNPT show a significant increase in the spread of radicalism content. Some are affiliated with Jemaah Ansharud Daulah (JAD) and Jemaah Islamiah (JI).

Director of Prevention at the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), Brigadier General Pol R Ahmad Nurwakhid, said that the politicization of religion is one of the main triggers for the emergence of radicalism and terrorism. According to Ahmad, radicalism and terrorism are at the root of the problem is ideology. The main trigger is the politicization of religion, so it is necessary to make a joint pledge, sign the integrity fact so that we can face the 2024 elections peacefully and there will be no more elements of religious politicization.

Apart from that, Kominfo recorded that the most content was on the Twitter platform or now called Budi said the termination had been carried out in accordance with Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Republic of Indonesia Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE).

Furthermore, the Ministry of Communication and Information continues to search for content on websites or platforms , using the AIS machine every two hours. Meanwhile, if you find content or sites of radicalism, terrorism and separatism, the Minister of Communication and Information asks the public to report it to aduankonten.id or via the Twitter/X account @aduankonten.

In other words, the Indonesian government is serious about taking steps to protect society from the dangers of radicalism and terrorism in cyberspace. This action is an effort to maintain state order and security and reduce the risk of negative impacts from radical ideology and acts of terrorism.

This action taken by Kominfo seems to voice a special struggle, namely eradicating the virus of radicalism which is starting to develop in the digital world. This is where the role of society is very necessary to eradicate all radical information so that it does not damage the state structure.

To ensure that their efforts are effective and positive, the first thing that needs to be considered is education and digital literacy. The public needs to recognize and avoid content that is radical or dangerous. In addition, they must also understand online communication etiquette, so they can participate in discussions and share information in a polite and dignified manner.

Collaboration with official institutions is also very important. For example, Islamic boarding schools and Islamic educational institutions can work with the government in identifying and reporting suspicious websites or social media accounts. This will help the government take appropriate steps in dealing with emerging threats in cyberspace.

Currently, radical accounts tend to play pretty, namely by providing accurate information about something, for example factual information on flora and fauna. This is done to attract and increase reader interest. However, they included information about radicalism. If people are not aware of this, then they may be exposed to this understanding.

The massive distribution pattern carried out by all parties, both government and society, will have a significant impact on peace on social media and other media, so that each individual becomes a proactive and strong agent for spreading messages of peace.

So the public needs to increase awareness and support the government’s efforts to ward off threats, challenges, obstacles and disturbances ahead of the 2024 elections. The way that can be done is by reporting if you find radical sites, applications or media, as well as always monitoring follow-up on reports. made at the Ministry of Communication and Information and the Police. With a commitment to maintaining the values ​​of unity, unity and correct ethics, society can make a positive contribution in building harmonious elections and can coexist peacefully, even though they have different choices.

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