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ASEAN Summit 2023 Momentum for Promotion of Tourism and Local MSMEs


Labuan Bajo – The Labuan Bajo Flores Tourism Authority Executing Body or BPOPLBF will accommodate local MSME products at the 2023 ASEAN Summit.

Main Director of BPOLBF Shana Fatina said, BPOLBF as one of the elements of the local committee had proposed local MSME products to the national committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) and State Secretariat so that they could be displayed to the delegates participating in the 42nd ASEAN Summit.

Furthermore, Shana explained that a number of local dances were also prepared to welcome the delegates, which were estimated to reach 500 people. It is also planned that the delegates will be served NTT specialties such as Nasi Kolo (rice cooked in bamboo sticks), rebok (food made from corn or rice flour), songkol (a type of food made from cassava flour and cooked using bamboo sticks). .

“We have discussed it with the Provincial Government and are encouraged to highlight local content in NTT,” he said.

Shana also appealed that during the implementation of the ASEAN Summit later, MSME actors are able to prepare their products beyond normal days.

“We want to urge our MSME friends to prepare their products too, don’t let them run out of shopping. Because that’s happened too. We also need to pay attention to how the product is ready when purchased,” said Shana.

Shana also added that the ASEAN Summit is expected to have a positive impact on the people of West Manggarai Regency in particular and the people of NTT in general.

The presence of delegates from 11 ASEAN member countries is expected to be able to provide economic benefits for both tourism actors, local MSMEs and society in general.

For this reason, welcoming the upcoming ASEAN Summit, his side together with a number of related stakeholders will hold a people’s party activity which aims to provide opportunities for local MSMEs to showcase their products.

On a different occasion, President Jokowi assessed that the holding of the 2023 ASEAN Summit was also an event for the promotion of Labuan Bajo as a super priority tourist destination. One of them, namely, Golo Mori Village which has a nice and beautiful view.

“The most important thing is that later we also want to promote Labuan Bajo as a super priority destination,” he said.

“In Golo Mori it is good, we will see that in Labuan Bajo it is also good I think. Yes, everything looks right, looks left, everything is good and beautiful,” Jokowi continued.

One of President Jokowi’s reasons for appointing Labuan Bajo as the host for the 2023 ASEAN Summit is to restore the tourism industry in Eastern Indonesia after being hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.

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