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Beware of Provocateurs and Intruders at the  Perppu Ciptaker Demonstration Action


By: Maya Naura Lingga )*

All elements of society must continue to be aware of the possibility of provocateurs and intruders present in the midst of demonstrations that are being carried out to reject Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation. Because in fact the policy itself is very much in accordance with the Constitutional Court’s decision and very much in favor of the workers.

The President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Joko Widodo has issued Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation (Ciptaker). The Perppu was indeed made to answer the Constitutional Court (MK) Decision which stated that the Job Creation Law (UU) was considered to have conditionally unconstitutional status.

In this regard, the Coordinating Minister (Menko) for the Economy, Airlangga Hartarto revealed that the Job Creation Perppu was officially issued on December 30, 2022. Then, he also claimed that the policy was in accordance with the Constitutional Court Decision Number 38/PUU7/2009. Not only that, the existence of the Job Creation Perppu has also fulfilled the conditions of a compelling crisis.

Furthermore, the general chairman of the Golkar Party (Golkar) also stated that the Job Creation Perppu in it had changed a number of provisions in the previous Job Creation Law and made it more in line with the Constitutional Court’s decision. Some of these changes include regarding employment, minimum wages, outsourcing, harmonization of tax regulations and how the relationship between the central government and regional governments.

Meanwhile, the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukam), Mahfud MD stated that the Job Creation Perppu was at the same time capable of overturning the conditional unconstitutional status of the Job Creation Law. This is because the position of the Perppu itself is equivalent to the law in Indonesian legal regulations. Moreover, there is indeed an urgent reason behind its formation.

According to him, there were several urgent reasons for the issuance of the Job Creation Perppu, namely some of which were the impact of the war between Russia and Ukraine, including the threat of inflation and also stagflation that continues to overshadow the country.

On the other hand, Secretary General of the Ministry of Manpower, Anwar Sanusi, believes that the Perppu Ciptaker can be Indonesia’s solution in the midst of global economic uncertainty. Apart from that, the Job Creation Perppu is also believed to be able to become a legal umbrella for investment development and create jobs.

The Perppu Ciptaker is proof of the government’s commitment to providing labor protection and business continuity to respond to labor dynamics. The Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) explained, this Perppu is proof of the government’s commitment to providing labor protection and business continuity to answer the challenges of developing labor dynamics.

Anwar Sanusi also continued that the substance of employment regulated in the Perppuu is basically a refinement of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. This is the government’s endeavor to provide adaptive protection for workers or laborers to continue to face a number of increasingly dynamic employment challenges.

It was explained that the substance of employment that was refined in the Perppu, among other things, was the issue of outsourcing provisions, improvements and adjustments to the calculation of the minimum wage, and improvements to the references in the article governing the use of the right to rest for which wages are still paid in full, as well as related to the benefits of the Job Loss Guarantee program (JKP). ).

There have been many positive sides contained in the Job Creation Perppu, but in fact there are still people who carry out protests and demonstrations to reject the Perppu.

Regarding this matter, the Indonesian National Police (Polri) asked all people to be able to continue to be vigilant that it turns out that there are intruders who really intend to cause riots and become provocateurs and only ride this action for the benefit of themselves and their group.

This vigilance must be maintained so that there are no gaps for intruders who want to riot, such as burning public facilities, which of course will hinder the public interest. The National Police also appealed to the public not to be easily tempted by fake news or hoaxes.

This presumption seems to be something to really watch out for. The reason is, it turns out that some time ago there were hundreds of students in Semarang who were members of the People’s Movement to Sue, they took action on the streets to reject the ratification of the Perppu Cipta Kerja into law.

However, it turned out that the mob immediately damaged the barbed wire barricade set up by the police by trampling on it. Even in the middle of the action, the masses burned posters and demanded that the fences of the Governor’s Office and the Central Java DPRD be opened.

Of course, with this in existence, all elements of society in the country should be far more aware of the possibility of provocateurs and intruders in any mass demonstrations. Because it does not rule out the possibility that the actions taken could indeed have been ridden by certain parties who deliberately wanted to undermine national stability. Apart from that, in fact the Job Creation Perppu itself is very much in accordance with the Constitutional Court’s decision and has sided with the workers.

)* The author is a contributor to Nusantara Reading Room

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