Beware of the Increase in Criminal Cases Due to Online Gambling Addiction
By: Restu Wibawa )*
Online gambling has become a serious threat that can have a negative impact not only on individuals but also on society at large. Easy access through digital devices makes anyone vulnerable to being trapped in this illegal activity. Online gambling addiction not only drains finances, but can also trigger criminal acts that harm many parties.
The phenomenon of increasing criminal cases due to online gambling addiction is a serious concern for the government. One concerning example is the increase in criminal cases involving Indonesian citizens (WNI) in Japan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemlu RI) noted that in the past year, criminal cases involving Indonesian citizens in Japan have increased significantly. The Director of Protection of Indonesian Citizens at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Judha Nugraha, revealed that one of the factors driving this criminal behavior is running out of money due to losing in online gambling.
Several cases that have occurred in Japan show a worrying pattern. There are Indonesian citizens involved in robberies and murders of fellow Indonesian citizens in Gunma Prefecture, as well as incidents of attacks on elderly couples in Shizuoka Prefecture. Other cases include a house break-in in Kagawa Prefecture and criminal activity by a gang of Indonesian citizens in Osaka that had disturbed local residents. Many of the perpetrators were known to be interns who ran out of money due to online gambling habits.
This problem shows how big the negative impact of online gambling addiction is. The Director of the National Mental Health Center (PKJN) of Marzoeki Mahdi Hospital, Nova Riyanti Yusuf, explained that gambling disorder is a serious condition that can interfere with a person’s daily life. This addiction can trigger various mental problems such as stress, depression, and despair. In many cases, individuals who are addicted to gambling feel compelled to seek money in illegal ways in order to continue their gambling habits or pay off mounting debts.
The phenomenon of online gambling addiction is also recognized as a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). This disorder is characterized by repeated gambling behavior and the inability to stop the habit even though they have experienced major losses. Those who are addicted often feel restless and irritable when trying to reduce or stop playing.
Psychiatrist, dr. Ika Nurfarida, M.Sc, SpKJ, explained that online gambling addiction can damage nerve cells and affect the chemical balance in the brain, especially in the prefrontal cortex which plays a role in decision-making and impulse control. This condition makes individuals lose their ability to consider good and bad, so they tend to take big risks, including committing crimes.
The government has taken various steps to address this problem. In addition to taking strict action against online gambling sites, the government is also actively educating the public about the dangers of online gambling. The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs continues to urge Indonesian citizens abroad to obey local laws and maintain Indonesia’s good name. Awareness of the risks of online gambling addiction needs to be instilled early on, both in the family, school, and community environments.
Another preventive measure is to utilize technology. The public is advised to activate filters on digital devices to limit access to gambling platforms. Parental control applications can also be used to protect children and adolescents from exposure to harmful content. In addition, it is important to replace gambling habits with positive activities such as sports, reading, or gathering with family and friends.
If someone is already showing signs of addiction, immediately seeking professional help is the right step. Counseling and therapy can help individuals overcome addiction and manage the mental stress that accompanies it. The government is also working with various institutions, including the Financial Services Authority (OJK), to block accounts that are suspected of being related to online gambling transactions.
Joint efforts from the government and the community are key to dealing with the problem of online gambling addiction. With strict law enforcement, effective education, and support from various parties, it is hoped that the number of criminal cases triggered by online gambling addiction can be minimized. The government is committed to protecting the community from the negative impacts of digital gambling and continues to strive to create a healthy and safe environment for all citizens.
In addition, there needs to be broader support for the rehabilitation of victims of online gambling addiction. Rehabilitation programs must include psychological, social, and financial approaches. Returning them to a positive path takes time and integrated effort. The role of the family is also very important in am this recovery process. Family can be the main shelter and support for victims of addiction.
Communities and social organizations also have a strategic role in helping victims of online gambling addiction. Educational programs and public awareness campaigns about the dangers of online gambling can increase public understanding and concern about this issue. With strong community support, victims of addiction can feel accepted and encouraged to rise above the problems they face.
In the increasingly advanced digital era, the challenges in dealing with online gambling are increasingly complex. The government needs to continue to update regulations and law enforcement strategies to keep up with technological developments. In addition, international cooperation with other countries is also needed to eradicate online gambling networks that are cross-border. With the right steps, we can protect future generations from the dangers posed by online gambling and build a more harmonious and productive society.