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BIN Bina PMI and Build PYCH Encourage Development of Young Papuan Talents


By:  Theresia Wopari )*

President Joko Widodo will inaugurate the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building in Jayapura. The construction of this magnificent building with traditional nuances located in Wahno Village, Abepura District, Jayapura City, Papua Province was initiated by Inspiring Young Papuans (PMI) with support from the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

The Papua Youth Creative Hub or PYCH building, which is located in Wahno Village, Abepura District, Jayapura City, Papua Province, is a forum for young talents as well as a center for developing creativity and innovation for Papuan youth. And it turns out, ahead of the inauguration of PYCH, Papuan youths have started to show their ability to develop skills and creativity.

The construction of the building is expected to become a center for self-development of talents and creativity for young people in Papua. The building is expected to be able to advance the welfare of society through the younger generation.

In addition, the use of the PYCH building is also carried out as a means to improve people’s welfare by maximizing natural products and the cultural uniqueness of Cenderawasih Earth. 

PMI Secretary for Papua Province, Vitha Faidiban said the PYCH building was a new breakthrough to help the young generation of Papua to always give birth to new creations and innovations for the advancement of society in the Land of Papua.

PMI (Inspiring Young Papuans), in collaboration with other Papuan youths and stakeholders, is utilizing the PYCH Building for various programs in developing human resources and efforts to improve the community’s economy.

The existence of PYCH and PMI is one of BIN’s efforts to support the progress of the young generation of Papua. The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) together with Inspiring Young Papua (PMI) have successfully carried out various programs to improve welfare in Papua and West Papua. This success was assisted by the existence of the PYCH Building as a potential development center for young Papuans.

PMI and BIN are developing programs in agriculture, especially corn. Apart from agriculture, PMI together with BIN also develop potential in other fields such as animal husbandry, arts, MSMEs, and education.

Particularly in the field of animal husbandry, including the development of laying hens in the district. Jayapura, Pig Farm Owned by Albert Burwas Kab, Manokwari West Papua, PMI Cattle Workshop Bomberay District Kab. Fak–Fak and fish farming.

A member of the tilapia cultivating group in Nolokla Village, East Sentani District, Jayapura, Papua, Franspouw said, with the assistance provided by PMI, the development of cultivation in his group has progressed very well.

He expressed his gratitude to BIN, KKP and PMI who have jointly assisted and guided tilapia farming activities using the biofloc system.

The existence of PMI and PYCH was the moment when young Papuans were born with potential in various fields, and also proved that youth initiatives can have a positive impact on Indonesian society in general and Papuan society in particular.

On one occasion, the Chairperson of the Port Numbay Indigenous Peoples’ Institution (LMA), Ondoafi George A. Awi expressed his deepest gratitude to President Joko Widodo for the construction of PYCH and all efforts to advance the Papuan people.

Many programs are held by PMI, assisted by BIN, through various self-development activities, as well as to complement business skills, including other soft skills, such as communication, leadership, and basic management. 

The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) continues to encourage the progress of Human Resources (HR) in the Land of Papua, one of which is through fostering a youth organization, namely the Inspiring Youth Papua (PMI), as well as by supporting the construction of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building which aims to increasing the talents and potential of the young generation of Papua in order to accelerate equitable development in Papua. []

)* Papuan students live in Bandung

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