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Bireuen Santri Prepare to Become Regional Economic Drivers with AMANAH


Aceh – Dozens of students from various Islamic boarding schools (dayah) in Bireuen Regency took part in sewing training which took place from 12 to 15 August 2024. This activity, which was initiated by Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul Besar (AMANAH), aims to improve the economic abilities of the students through sewing skills.

The training instructor, Rahmayuni, explained that he provided material in advanced classes for four days with various learning topics.

“In this training, I taught several materials such as K3 (Occupational Health and Safety), sewing techniques using machines, pattern making, the process of cutting fabric, and how to decorate fabric,” said Rahmayuni.

The workshop with the theme “Dayahpreneur: Working, Moving Forward Together” was held at the Community Work Training Center, Dayah Syamsul Ma’arif Al Ahmad. This activity presented instructors from the Banda Aceh Vocational Productivity Training Center (BPVP) to provide competent and quality training.

A total of 16 students and teachers from four Dayah in Bireuen took part in this activity. The four dayah are Dayah Darussa’adah Cot Tarom, Dayah Darussa’adah Cot Puuk, Dayah Syamsul Maarif Al Ahmad, and Dayah Madinatuddiniyyah Babussa’adah.

According to data collected, Bireuen Regency has around 51,000 santri spread across various schools. This significant number makes Bireuen known as one of the Islamic boarding school cities in Aceh Province. Apart from its role as a respected religious educational institution, Dayah also has great potential in driving the regional economy.

The leader of Dayah Syamsul Maarif Al Ahmad and the Head of the Syamsul Maarif Al Ahmad Community Work Training Center, Syeikh Baihaqi, stated that the empowerment carried out by Dayah so far is in line with government programs.

“We make items in Islamic boarding schools which we term Islamic boarding school business in the convection sector. The reason is because we at the Islamic boarding school adopt orphans and converts. “So, we don’t have regular donors, 70 percent of the profits are for orphans and Muslim converts,” he said.

In this training, the students were directed to produce various types of Muslim clothing which AMANAH will later assist in the marketing process, including assistance in the form of sewing machines.

The Dayahpreneur program initiated by AMANAH is expected to stimulate the creativity and skills of the students so that the students not only gain religious knowledge but also business skills that can help improve welfare.

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