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Building Collective Awareness to Guarantee Peaceful Regional Elections


By : Yolla Vita )*
Pilkada (Regional Head Election) is an important moment in the life of Indonesian democracy. Every five years, the community has the opportunity to determine the leader who will direct the development of their region. However, along with high political dynamics, regional elections are often characterized by various conflicts, both in the form of tension between supporters, the spread of hoax news, and acts of violence. To avoid this, it is necessary to build collective awareness in society so that the regional elections can run peacefully and smoothly.
Acting (Pj) Regent of Murung Raya, Central Kalimantan, Hemron said that the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada must be carried out peacefully, honestly and with integrity. All elements of society are asked to reject disgraceful actions that could harm democracy. Such as spreading slander, spreading hate speech, money politics and others.
Pilkada is a means of implementing people’s sovereignty, so that in the era of openness that is currently being faced, the community and all stakeholders have become more critical and increasingly understand the existence of pilkada as a vehicle for changing hopes into a better democratic life through regional head elections.
Collective consciousness is a concept where society realizes that common interests are more important than personal or particular group interests. In the context of regional elections, this awareness can be realized by mutually respecting differences in political choices and upholding democratic values.
Every individual needs to understand that differences in politics are normal and should not be a reason to take actions that harm other people. Thus, collective awareness can be the basis for creating a conducive atmosphere during the Pilkada process.
One way to build this collective awareness is through political education. The public must be given a clear understanding of the importance of maintaining peace during regional elections. Political education can not only be carried out by the government, but also by various elements of society such as community organizations, political parties and educational institutions. With good knowledge of the democratic process, the public will better understand their rights and obligations in regional elections, and be able to face differences in political choices without causing conflict.
In the digital era like now, the role of media is also very important in building collective awareness. Mass media, both print and electronic, must provide accurate and balanced information regarding the regional elections. Apart from that, social media can also be used as a means to spread peaceful messages. Unfortunately, social media often becomes an arena for spreading fake news or hoaxes which can make things worse. Therefore, it is important for people to be wise in using social media, including checking the veracity of information before spreading it.
Chairman of the Belitung Bawaslu, Rezeki Aris Munazar, said that all elements must be involved to maintain and uphold the values ​​and principles of implementing the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections in a peaceful, dignified, ethical, integrity and quality manner, by complying with applicable laws and regulations. Apart from that, the TNI-Polri security forces also ensured that the regional elections were peaceful by being neutral and professional in carrying out their duties during the regional elections. Every form of fraud, intimidation or violation of the law must be dealt with firmly so that confidence in the democratic process is maintained.
On the other hand, candidates and political parties also need to participate in building this collective awareness. They must show a sportsmanlike attitude, both in campaigning and in accepting the results of the regional elections. The campaign carried out must prioritize ideas and work programs, not personal attacks or slander against political opponents. With this attitude, candidates and political parties can set a good example for society, so that the regional election atmosphere can remain peaceful.
The public also needs to understand that regional elections are not the end of everything. Elected leaders must be respected and supported, regardless of who is elected. After the Pilkada is over, what is more important is how the community works together to develop their region. The divisions that occurred during the Pilkada must end immediately, replaced by a spirit of unity and mutual cooperation. In this way, regional elections are not only an arena for political contestation, but also a moment to strengthen social cohesion in society.
Building collective awareness is not easy and requires efforts from various parties. However, with good cooperation between the government, society, media and candidates, peaceful regional elections are not impossible. This collective awareness will be a bulwark to face various potential conflicts that may arise during the Pilkada, so that democracy in Indonesia can continue to develop well.
Thus, it is important for all parties to continue to maintain the spirit of unity and respect differences in every democratic process. Collective awareness will ensure that the Pilkada runs peacefully, and the results truly reflect the will of the people. This is not just about who wins or loses, but about together maintaining the stability and peace of the nation.

)* The author is a student living in Bogor

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