Channel Dissatisfaction with the Election Process Through Legal Channels for the Quality of Democracy

Elections are the main pillar in a democratic system, and their integrity is the key to a country’s success in running a legitimate and just government. However, elections are often the focus of dissatisfaction and controversy, especially related to alleged violations reported by various parties. Responding to this, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Hadi Tjahjanto, reminded the importance of following the mechanisms provided by the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) and the Constitutional Court (MK).
According to Hadi, this mechanism has become a facility provided by the government to handle election disputes. He emphasized that if there are allegations of fraud, the steps that should be taken are to follow existing mechanisms, not other methods that could lead to anarchy and intimidation. This statement provides clear direction for people who feel dissatisfied with the election process, to maintain peace and respect the applicable regulations.
In the initial stage, the Chair of the Indonesian Bawaslu, Rahmat Bagja, said that his agency had received 1,271 reports and 650 findings of suspected violations during the 2024 election stages. This data includes various types of violations, such as administrative violations, election crimes, violations of the election organizers’ code of ethics, and other legal violations. Although this figure reflects significant concerns, the process of managing and handling violations by Bawaslu shows serious efforts to maintain election integrity.
In handling violations, Bawaslu has processed 479 violations. Of this number, 324 of them were not considered violations, while the other 69 fell into the category of administrative violations. 39 cases related to alleged election crimes and 125 other legal violations are also in the process of being handled. This reflects Bawaslu’s seriousness in investigating every report carefully and objectively, maintaining a balance between enforcing the law and ensuring the legitimacy of the democratic process.
Member of Bawaslu RI, Herwyn JH Malonda, highlighted the trend of alleged criminal election violations, especially related to administrative violations such as campaigning outside the campaign period and factual verification to political party centers. By detailing the articles involved, such as articles 521, 523 concerning money politics, and articles 490, 491, 494, and 493 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning general elections, Herwyn provides a more detailed picture of the legal aspects involved in alleged violations.
However, it should be noted that the trend of violations such as falsifying documents during the campaign or before voting day related to money politics is still the focus of handling by Bawaslu, the police and the prosecutor’s office. Herwyn emphasized the importance of seriously handling these violations to maintain the integrity of the election process.
The Chairman of Bawaslu RI, Rahmat Bagja, gave a strong message to the public to report any suspected violations in the 2024 Election. Bagja emphasized that the report accompanied by evidence would be the basis for Bawaslu to take further action. This reflects Bawaslu’s commitment to be fair and transparent in responding to every report, as well as giving hope to the public that justice will be served.
Even though there was a demonstration in front of the Indonesian Bawaslu office, Bagja considered it normal in the context of the right to freedom of speech. This reflects Bawaslu’s open and democratic attitude towards public expression, while still emphasizing the importance of maintaining order and security in the process of handling election violations.
In dealing with situations involving alleged election violations, the public is reminded to respect the applicable laws regarding handling such violations. The public is expected not to take a path that could be detrimental to the security and stability of democracy, but rather to entrust the process of handling violations to the authorized institutions. This attitude of respecting the law is very relevant in maintaining integrity and justice in the democratic process
Apart from respecting the law, the public is also encouraged to accept whatever the results of the 2024 elections are. The voters’ decisions are a reflection of the will of the people, and these results must be respected to maintain national stability and unity. Despite dissatisfaction with the electoral process, accepting legitimate results is an important step in building a democratic and just society.
As a society living in a democratic country, respecting the law and accepting the results of the 2024 elections is a major investment in sustainable democratic development. Public trust in democratic processes does not only depend on the integrity of the relevant institutions, but also on the public’s attitude to uphold the resulting rules and decisions. By respecting the law and accepting election results, society can make a positive contribution to maintaining the stability of the country and strengthening the foundations of a healthy democracy.
So far, the election process and the handling of violations committed by Bawaslu provide an illustration that the existing legal mechanisms have been used seriously. By following the legal channels that have been established, the public is expected to make a positive contribution in maintaining the integrity of democracy and overcoming dissatisfaction with the election process. Apart from that, the role of related institutions, such as the police and prosecutor’s office, is also important to ensure that the law is enforced fairly and transparently, so that public trust in the democratic process is maintained.